Thursday, May 26, 2011

Our parent is talking to us.

The second meaning of the word listen is the reason this blog exists. I quote from, "to pay attention; heed; obey (often followed by to ):"  The example they provide, " Children don't always listen to their parents." couldn't be more apropos once I define  parents  and children.  The parent of all the context  that follows is the universe we live in. We and all advanced life forms are the children.

Our parent has been talking to us since life began. We had to mature to hear the message. Maturity is a slow process. We have been receiving parts of the message for centuries. With maturity comes the ability to listen and understand all of the message.  The species we call homo sapiens is in the initial process of evolving to  a level where  all those that are born without defects will  fully understand the message.  A few of us are pioneers. I don't believe any of us knowingly chose our role. I know I didn't but many children  have been born with  what appear to be defects in the last 20 years. Some are  afflicted with challenges.  They need our help. Others have no defects and need no help.

Let me be perfectly clear here. The message  we are getting is coming from whatever you choose it to be.  It can be God or it may simply be nothing more than part of the physical construct of the Universe or anything in between. It does not matter because the message is the same.  The pages of this blog outline the message. This may be the only post that is ever made to this blog. If  there is a need to further explain the message it will be done in future posts. 

The message  tells us why we are here, what our role is and what lies ahead in the future. In another blog I go into detail on why and how I am listening to the message in its entirety. There are parts of the message  that are difficult or impossible to understand. My thoughts on this are we simply have not evolved to the point where we can understand  those parts of the message. The message introduces a new construct in math which may hold the key to the parts of the message I do not understand.

The message comes in three forms. The first is symbolic I will be posting the symbolic image when I have  completed the artwork but I do have a crude hand drawn version  I may decide to  photograph and place on the  this blog if the art work is slow in coming. The second is the written form of the symbolic  version and the third  goes into the message in depth. 

We are faced  with  an immediate problem  we have the ability to solve and that problem appears in children born in the last 20 years and  it will continue to grow exponentially unless we  deal with  it now. It already has  led to harmful emotional trauma  in many children and anxiety and bewilderment amongst their parents.  

We evolve  through our genome and our genome  is currently undergoing drastic changes that puzzle men of science  who use  the new knowledge recently gained from mapping the human genome  in order to solve what they perceive to be afflictions. Our genome can only change as all life changes. The goal of adaptation is simple. We will continue to adapt until we have reached the  ultimate of our abilities. Adaptation  happens  due to natural selection which means there will be many mistakes as the process evolves. There is another form of adaptation occurring in our species but so little  is known about it  I address it separately in another blog. 

There will always be an argument  regarding which came first the chicken or the egg and our current point in the evolution of our species holds the same mystery. Two recent  discoveries have made it possible  for all  of our species to begin to understand the  message in it's entirety, the mapping of the human genome and the internet. Social networking is changing how we interact and how we gain knowledge and the  human genome is  unlocking massive amounts of  information  regarding who  we are. 

Due to the emotional trauma  so many are dealing with I need to put a part of the message into this introduction.  We are witnessing the genetic evolution of our species and it is happening rapidly. The only other adaptation comparable to the one we are undergoing happened a long time ago and  that one is still not fully understood. We used to have 24 chromosome pairs  and our related species the chimpanzees still do. Two of our chromosomes combined so we now have 23 pairs or 46 chromosomes. I am not about to teach a course on genetics here but it is important that everyone understand the process  that is taking place.

The 23rd pair in our genetic structure determines the sex we are. They are the ones that can readily handle diversity without causing serious consequences. It is not uncommon for people to be born with extra x or y chromosomes. When that happens on any other chromosome pair the fetus terminates and in cases where the termination does not happen there are a plethora of defects involved. The condition is called trisomy and sometimes tetrasomy. There is an exception called Downs syndrome  that affects chromosome 21 where trisomy  does result in an individual with significant challenges and heart problems but anyone who knows a person with Downs syndrome knows a person that has a peacefulness about them  most do not understand. Downs syndrome, which has seen  huge increases in the past 30 years, is a sign that chromosomes 21 and 22 are in the process of conjoining. That knowledge comes from the message. Medical science needs to conduct serious research and observe the process and stop treating it solely as an illness or affliction.

 The chromosomes are conjoining in order to make room for the addition of a new chromosome pair that will have  the structure of the gender specific pair but will not be required to establish the sexuality of the person. I am not a geneticist nor do I want to be. I had to study genetics in order to get this much down. One possibility is a new chromosome Z that will be supplied by both male and female but I simply do not understand the message.  Hopefully someone who is a geneticist will gain the ability to channel indigo energy soon. 

The message  says this adaptation  will happen much faster than it has in the history of genetic adaptation in our species. We are seeing the early signs of it  with the rapid increase in Downs syndrome and among children diagnosed as having ADHD. This change still must follow the rule of natural selection and the adaptations are going to be all over the map. Some will have to be treated the best way we know but some must not be treated as these children are the messengers and they are the teachers that will guide us all into the next evolutionary step our species is starting to take.  There are those who will say  the increase in Downs is due to older women bearing children but that is only part of the answer. Age does increase the risk of change but it  doesn't explain why so much change is happening.  

There may or may not be chromosome abnormalities in children currently being diagnosed with ADHD but there will be differences in their genes specifically those in Chromosomes 21 and 22 and the chromosome X . It is crucial that all children born in the last 20 years have their DNA profile recorded. The sample rates, based on children whose parents decide to test their child when their child  is having difficulty conforming to society, are way too small. 

All children need to have their genetic imprint recorded. Confidentiality needs to be closely guarded but their genetic prints can be placed in anonymous archives where  we can monitor the changes  in order to gain a lot more understanding of the process  we see happening all around us. There is a huge upside to this. There is a tremendous amount of research being done already and many of the diseases that have plagued mankind for centuries will be solved in many of our lifetimes.  When new cures and preventative methods are found, every child who has been imprinted  can have his or her DNA evaluated for the markers associated with the disease or condition and steps  can be taken to inoculate or  take medication that will prevent the  condition or disease from manifesting itself. The database will tell us how prevalent  the condition or disease is and  it also will help us identify the  advantageous adaptations so  those children are not given medications that impede their abilities. This knowledge will change medicine as we know it.   

Because of all the research being done, every child born from now on needs to have their umbilical cord preserved. The treatment for life threatening injuries and illnesses will be preserved in their umbilical cords including repairing paralysis resulting from unforeseen accidents.  It is one of the most inexpensive forms of insurance an individual can have.

A reader asked me how to go about getting DNA tested and that is a very good question. The least expensive way is to become part of a study provided there is any chance  you have a condition currently under research. Fortunately ADHD  is undergoing genetic research. A good place to start is the governments genome project  ADHD division

Universities have study programs. You will have to do some digging. Keep in mind there is no real value to having your DNA mapped unless it is part of a large data base or you have a rare genetic disorder you are unaware of. Medical science believes there is a genetic component to ADHD but they need to do more research. 

If you are a person  who feels compelled to protect your privacy there are private organizations where they charge fees ranging from 100 dollars to over a 1000 dollars but most do not have large enough databases to warrant the expense. Be careful and do your homework when dealing with any private organization. 

That leaves medical insurance and most will not cover DNA testing. If you under the care of a physician or mental counselor for ADD/ADHD talk to them about getting your DNA tested  and they may or may not go to bat for you but most insurance companies do not consider it medical treatment.  

I realize how controversial a lot of the message is. Some of it doesn't match my beliefs. If the above part of the message  becomes more palatable if  the word  evolution is replaced with God's plan, please do so. No doubt I interpret the message as evolution because I firmly believe in evolution. It really doesn't matter. That is part of the message. If you choose to believe it is the word of God, it is the word of God.  If you choose  it to be the physical laws of the universe and natural selection it is both. Either way the message is the same. That will become apparent as you study it. Hopefully I can reach enough people who have evolved  the ability to listen to the message in its entirety. I welcome anyone  who can see indigo light to step into my life. Let's talk and compare notes.    


  1. Very interesting stuff! We will talk Monday!



  2. Hi,

    Im interested, really, i am, but there is just way too much talk on this whole blog and in everything you write. Can you make your point concisely? Also, i cant visualize your "picture" of the universe if your instructing me on how to draw it, could you please draw it ans post it yourself? If you know your audience most likely has ADD/ADHD symptoms AND probably has already "listened" to the message AND knows a lot about it already, you should be making your posts concise so the important info gets across. I honestly do not have the time to read everything on here, and for a lot of us who do live in reality, we also want to understand the world and want to communicate with as many people as possible, we also cant sit here and read everything you are trying to say which is unfortunate for only you in the end. Anyway,i believe i should get my DNA tested but dont know how.

  3. Goochattack:

    I can tell your comments are heart felt. On the page, The message, I have outlined precise instructions on how to draw it. I believe I understand your dilemma. I suggest you have a friend draw it up for you. I apologize for not having the drawn version and I have an artist friend working on it. I am no artist.

    I know a lot of people are listening to the message but I also know a lot of people are filtering it. That is the problem with being concise. I am trying to reach everyone and I don’t know how to do that without going into a lot of written detail. I feel you are a person who learns from hearing more than reading and that is a natural thing. I am just the opposite. No right or wrong here. I hope to be able to speak to groups who are involved in ADD/ADHD where I will answer questions after a short introduction. This stuff is all in my head and auditory learners will no doubt get more out of a session like that than sitting and trying to read through all I have written. Once I have had a few sessions I will record them and make them available thorough my blog. Thanks for your input, I hear you and understand you.

    I am going to add a paragraph or two about DNA testing. Thanks for pointing that out

  4. I have sampled this and will read more my first comments are -
    1) you know me well enough Richard to get that i am an easy sell on reincarnation.
    2) i feel you are just at the beginning here although to you it may seem that you are close to some climax.
    3) I feel it will do a lot of good if you can talk face to face to folk without playing the "guru" thing (i don't want to see you on youtube sitting next to a tasteful vase of flowers wearing a shirt without a collar :))
    You need to bounce around the fruits of your thinking i feel.
    4) beware excessive certainty - it is a great source of "noise" in the signal and entirely unnecessary.
    5) keep at it and look after yourself - don't let your personal feeling of worth be dependent on finding an audience fast. I do not believe in" the "many worlds theory" but i do believe in the many theories world". (I like that - i'm going to post it on fb - thanks for the inspiration)
    :-) Steve.

  5. Hi Steve:

    I wish you and I could sit down face to face. Maybe some day. I too see what you call the "guru" thing and it bothers me believe it or not.

    I am downloading all this fruit so fast I don't have time to peel it or bounce it.

    I would love to have the time to contemplate but, when I argue with it, I get zapped so I just keep writing. There have been brief moments where I thought I was done and have literally sighed in relief.

    I want to make this perfectly clear, my sense of self worth is not included. I could just as easily be writing every bit of this in a journal if all that was involved was me. This isn't about me.

    All of my current life has been about communication. All my more recent past lives have been all about communication. As one of the pioneers that helped develop the first data modem used in telephony in this life I see no reason to write this in a private journal. A thousand years ago we had no other way to do it. So this is my public journal.

    Everyone, especially one Steve Kane is free to read it, criticize it or disprove anything I say. I do not take it personally because what I write I do not perceive as being about me. It is about us.

    I ask myself the same question I believe most others ask, "What the hell gives him the right to write about us?" Good question. I ask it all the time. I am getting tons of information on just about everything but that one question has never been answered.

    I channel indigo light. There is no thought involved when I focus on it. I have seen things beyond description on three different occasions. Maybe I am delusional and all I see and know are hallucinations and delusions. If that is the case why can I read about a subject like consciousness, forget about it, not worry about it, think about going fishing and three days later know what consciousness is? As I start to write what I know it expands into more and more detail. I did not spend hours or even minutes thinking about it. It is just there and I write it down.

    I don't know if I should say this but a lot of what I write I honestly forget about and end up repeating parts of it intermingled into different subjects. My view on any subject may change to some degree when I get new information and if the change is drastic, I will rewrite the subject but it has to be a drastic change. I am reluctant to change it because, watching my knowledge on a subject evolve, lends to the learning process.

    The certainty you see is not mine. I do not own it. I only communicate it.
    I will, when challenged, defend it but I will defer to knowledge no matter what the source. When I have serious doubts about anything i suddenly know, I research it thoroughly to the best of my ability. To date I have not been able to disprove anything I know though there are different points of view out there. So far they are just as theoretical as mine or are based on faith so the debate goes on.

    I continually solicit the input of others who have a lot more knowledge in specific fields then I have. If what I say can be proven to be false I can go fishing and let someone else solve the problems of the world.

    Thank you Steve for having the chutzpah to speak out and I am ecstatic that I have inspired you. Thank you for asking the questions I ask myself on a regular basis.

    As for where I am in the process, I don't have a frigging clue.

  6. Steve,

    I found your comments on my Blog meaningful and thought provoking.

    I would like to communicate with you ???

    My email is:

