Why do I blog?

The question should not be why do I write a blog, the question should be, "Why doesn’t everybody write a blog?" There is a possibility that anyone of us can have a thought no one else has ever had. Even if that was not possible, we still bring our own perspective and everything our species does that affects the lives of others should be done via a consensus. It is why our founding fathers wrote "The Constitution".

Our thoughts are who we are. Compare what we know to what every other living  creature on this planet knows and it's not a little.  The further you unpeel knowledge, the more complex it becomes.

We made a major breakthrough in the 1800's and look at the progress we made. Thousands of doors opened and thousands of people  accomplished great things, discovering new knowledge  and turning that knowledge into products  that changed  life on this planet, mostly for the good. 

Humankind didn’t discover electricity, we observed it and it took  thousands of years before we  really started to understand it and control it. Fire happened quicker, easier to observe and a lot easier to understand and control.   

Edison's greatest contribution wasn't the light bulb, though it freed man from the cycle of night and day, which is the reason he invented it. That fact is seldom mentioned. His greatest discovery,  which went on to be thousands of inventions, was The Edison effect. Neither he nor anyone else knew what he was observing but that didn’t stop humankind from putting it to use before we knew what it was.

Nuclear physics was a by product of Edison’s work and Tesla's work and of  course the great minds that followed as science moved  a lot further into mathematics.  Most of the great inventors of the  1800's had limited math skills. Hell a lot of them didn’t have educations.

On the average most of us spend most of our lives  consumed by the process of living it but not all of us have to and the ones who don't turn out to be our greatest assets and our greatest liabilities. The tragedy is  how many great minds have been lost because they were pushed into pigeon holes by  their parents, their peers, their religion, their social order and their political system?   

Our educational system should be designed to discover the great ones as well as give them the skills to cope with everyday living.  Sadly  they can no longer drop out of school  because the education system still is not designed to recognize and promote genius. They have to stay because the pursuit of knowledge has become far more complex. Thank God the internet is changing that. The internet is the new lightning. The difference, this time it's man made.

We couldn’t process the data from the Cern collider without the web. Anyone  who is curious, regardless of their educational achievements, can study this data. In July of 2012  humankind may have observed something akin to the new Edison effect.  Roughly 130 years  has passed since Edison observed it. If you take into consideration, the tools we have today and compare them to the tools they had then, this new knowledge can change the course of humankind in a heartbeat.  

I blog. This will be added to my blog because I believe there is a message here and I no longer have to keep messages to myself nor does anyone else. It is likely it will not be well read but someday it may be. That is why I write my blogs and it is the reason everyone else should, We are all important even though we are all not geniuses. We all bring our own perspective and we all deserve to be heard.

When Edison observed the new force, while experimenting with coils for a new telegraph system, he and his crew had no idea what they were witnessing but he wrote it down. He wrote everything down and had all his workers write everything down. There was a lot and he didn’t do a very good job of organizing it. Ask the staff at Rutgers trying to sort it all out.

The internet and the search tools that have been designed to look up information organize everything,  Type in a word, a thought or a question and you  have a vast array of information in front of you, The trick is in how you word things but that puts the organization in your hands.

For example, I enter "new force" and ironically  the recent discovery in Cern comes up as the first entry. I think Thomas would have a little chuckle seeing that. Type in "new force Edison" and the first link is "The Etheric force". Edison, much to his regret, started calling it that and he never fully explained his reason for doing so.  He was plagued with questions about his religious and spiritual beliefs for the rest of his life as a result. Henry Ford even went to the extreme of capturing his last breath in a bottle because he thought Edison knew something about the afterlife that no one else knew and there might be a clue when he passed.      

If Henry Ford had blogged, the world would have known him for he who really was and the truth would not be buried in his accomplishments.  One can get an inkling of the truth on the internet but the cover up continues to this day. He changed the way we travel and he was a good capitalist who took good care of his workers but he had a very dark side.    

I will conclude this with the words Thomas Edison spoke to his muckers, as he liked to call them, on a daily basis, "Write it down!" The beauty today is, the words won't get stored in a closet where no one can find them.        

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