About the Message

Before writing the message I think I should explain  a few things about the message and how I receive it. I have no idea how others receive it.  The bottom line is the message has always been there. It was there from the time the universe came into existence. That is explained in the message.

I cannot over emphasize the fact that we all are getting the message. Every life form in the universe is getting the message. Rudimentary life forms  simply do not have the ability to recognize it. Advanced life forms filter it based on their environment, education and philosophy/theology. Advanced life forms vary from  filtering it entirely to being total attuned to it as they can be subject to their filters. Many of our religious leaders and politicians are totally attuned except for their filters.  Mystics, readers, and mediums  are just as tuned to the message as I am but they typically use an alter ego or egos to filter the message. I think I am attuned directly  to the message though I also know I am filtering it. I keep that in my mind as I try and understand the message. All I ask of anyone who is as attuned as I am is please recognize your filters  and try and work around them. Go where it takes you. Under realizations I will go into specifics that will convince any who read them, they are getting the message because there are parts no filter is capable of keeping out.

I did not become aware of the message until November of 2010 and I didn't know what  it was until May of 2011. I believe the message is being sent using a quantum transfer that either manifests itself  as a wave in the 400-430 nanometer range or as a harmonic in that range. I think science can detect it if they look for it and I wish  someone would. What  I see is the carrier signal. The message is encoded in the carrier signal. The human eye, specifically the rods in the human eye, are the antenna that receives it. It is linked  to our subconscious mind through our brain stem where the entity that represents our energy is based. Somehow I believe  our entity is based in the cerebellum but I am not a scientist who fully understands the functioning of the human brain. The cerebellum is what makes sense to me.

For reasons unknown to me I am able to see the carrier signal and since it is indigo I concluded that it is related to  the indigo phenomena that is widely discussed in the new age community. In my research on the indigo phenomena it became blatantly obvious I am an indigo though most of us are a lot younger than I am.

I want to make this perfectly clear. There is no conscious thought associated with the message. I do not see indigo light all the time and I can choose to not see it at all. I don't think seeing it is important. The fact I can see the carrier makes me curious but has nothing to do with the message.  There is some correlation between  when I see it, the intensity and shape I see it in, and the thoughts that come into my conscious mind. I certainly do not fully understand the phenomena.

The light presents itself  across my full field of vision when the thought has a global construct. If the thought is based  on a specific point, the light that preceded it appears as an orb or other geometrical pattern. I have not determined the significance of any geometrical pattern to an area of thought  but that would be interesting  to pursue.  There is a lot of math involved with the message. Most of it is beyond my training in mathematics.

I can be mulling over a point of information and see new light but I have not been able to determine if the new light is connected to what I am currently thinking about in my conscious mind. I am curious about  all these things but they are of no real importance. It is the message that is important, not how I am so attuned to it.

I see  light. Thoughts come into my mind. Some  I find interesting, Others I feel compelled to find more information about, especially when  they involve subjects I have little or no knowledge of.  The amazing thing is knowledge  I never had  is suddenly there and I can the research the subject, understand it and  arrive at a conclusion based on my study.  The knowledge I gain from the message is very specific and my challenge to those that are experts in any field I mention, is to prove my conclusions impossible.  I have no problem being diagnosed as crazy but please show me the proof before carting me off to the rubber room. Once I have satisfied  my new knowledge, I am compelled to write it down as this is the start of getting the message out there.  

Every advanced life form in the universe is getting the message but the dichotomy of advanced life forms is they begin to filter the message as they evolve because of their fascination with themselves.  Parts of the message cannot be understood until a life form has evolved to a point to understand it. We all get the message and we all look for answers when we don't understand it. Unfortunately there are those who get  the partial information and fill in the blanks. We like what they have to say and most of our belief systems, be they religious based, political, or philosophical are formed. The message becomes  more filtered.

As long as knowledge continues to grow, the advanced life forms ability to filter is a small inconvenience which time and the fact the real message is always there to be heard will  overcome. As knowledge  expands so does the rate of evolution both physically and mentally and  benchmarks will be reached. Our species has arrived at one of the benchmarks which is why I am getting the message and must pass it on and why so many others will be joining me. Many may be sitting in front of their computers doing the same thing I am as i write this. I certainly hope so.