I don't like using the the above two words but I must since, those who feel they are and the parents of those who believe their children display behavior that has been associated with either personality, flock to new age beliefs where they can find people who they can talk to. Dealing with children or adults who can't seem to fit in is not easy.
There simply are not many options for those afflicted and for those who love afflicted ones. They turn to their religions and quickly discover those afflicted refuse religious counseling. They turn to social workers who do not understand the nature of the affliction. They turn to medical professionals and quickly discover that standard psychotherapy offers little help and in many cases, makes the problems worse. They are left with medical treatment that relies on pharmaceuticals with many side effects that certainly affect the behavior but very few are happy with the results. Patients taking these medications tend to stop taking them because they simply do not like the quality of life they experience but stopping many of the drugs leads to even more symptoms if not done under the advice of a medical professional.
Frustrated, they turn to new age theologies and philosophies. This is not a earth shattering decision for many as they are the children of the flower generation and have been exposed to new thought in their upbringing. If nothing else they do find a home where they can relate and learn to at least accept some of the behavior their loved one is expressing.
There is a lot of research being done because there has been such a large increase in the behavior, it simply cannot be ignored. The tragedy is most, if not all of the research being done, is looking for a solution to a problem. Some of those experiencing problems are not afflicted with a medical condition. The human genome is changing. It is changing rapidly. I explain why in the first post to this blog
The problem is how do we tell the difference? As our genome changes there will be a plethora of conditions. Some will be beneficial others will not. Some will require medical treatment. Some will not. In my first post I outline what we must do from here on out. All children need their genome mapped so we can build a database that allows us to separate problems from beneficial adaptations. That does nothing to help those who are suffering now. I am an Indigo. All I can do is tell you what I have observed in myself. Comparing what I have experienced with what others have written regarding Indigo children I feel I can counsel those of you who believe you are an Indigo or star child and I can also counsel those of you who feel you are the parents of and Indigo or star child. I am not channeling this information. This is my experiences and how they relate to what I have read about Indigo children.
Here are the signs to look for: (any that require further explanation I will address at the end of the list). I use they to describe individuals in some cases because most of you reading this are parents. To my fellow Indigos, you know who I am talking to.
1. Hyper sensitive to any form of emotional or behavioral manipulation by other people.
2. Hyper sensitive to any medication. Effective doses are 1/4 of what is considered average.
3. Hyper sensitive to food and beverages. Displays signs of irritable bowel syndrome that is difficult to treat.
4. Will display little or no fear in emergency or confrontational situations.
5. Will display periods of constant chatter and the need to talk followed by periods of silence and withdraws from attempts to engage in conversation.
6. Is curious about everything. Needs people to explain things that are not understood.
7. Hyper sensitive to the emotions of others to the point it may appear is if they are reading minds.
8. As they mature they will attempt to tell others how they feel but will not discuss how they feel themselves..
9. They are seen as having a a lot of ego but they do not defend themselves when their ego is challenged.
10. Contrary to other write ups I have seen, they love to stand in line as they see it as an opportunity to engage strangers in conversation.
11. They love to entertain and will be drawn to the arts in all forms.
12. If they have physical attributes they will be above average athletes with phenomenal hand to eye coordination.
13. They will resist conformity in any form and traditional classroom environments do not work well for them.
14. They have the ability to totally focus to the point they are not aware of their surroundings.
15. As they mature they will know things others don't and will think out of the box and dream up new concepts well ahead of anyone else.
16. They are very gullible when it comes to tactics and tend to be bad business people.
17. They excel in science and in the arts.
18. They will know things they have never studied on any matter of topics with a focus on science and technology.
19. They will have psychic abilities but will tend to suppress them rather than use them.
20. They will be prone to anxiety and depression when life presents too many challenges but will respond to mental therapy at a much faster rate than is anticipated.
21. They will tend to be hypochondriacs but it is fascination with their physical body that causes the behavior not anxiety.
22. They never arrive early at an appointment but will usually show up at the scheduled time and are never more than 10 minutes late.
They may exhibit the following traits which will make them stand out to the point where there is no doubt they are a special child.
1. They will have an ability that is far and above any ability seen in average children. This ability will manifest itself at a young age and will not be related to any obvious autism.
2. People who do not know them or see them for the first time will describe them as angels.
3. They will be very mature for their age and show no signs of shyness.
If you or a child you know or are raising fits parts of the above description they may be a displaying genetic traits that are part of the changing genome in our species. I strongly suggest anyone who meets some of the criteria I have outlined above get their DNA tested if for no other reason than establishing a record so that science can begin to make sense of what we are under going. All of the above traits will vary as their genetic structure and environment varies. The first 10 are the strongest traits to look for.
Treatment for anyone really suffering as they try and fit in with society, should not be interrupted or delayed until enough information can be gathered to make an educated decision on how to pursue future treatment. Keep in mind how sensitive these children can be to drugs and test your child for drug sensitivity with over the counter medications. If your child is hyper sensitive to drugs encourage mental health professionals to use less than what is normally prescribed for behavioral modification and ramp up to effective dosages if the lower doses are not causing side effects or affecting behavior.
Try mental counseling before any drug therapy unless the behavior is simply too extreme to put off drug therapy. It is difficult to be objective when your child is involved so I suggest you counsel with friends and family and let them give you feedback on your child's behavior. That is not easy to do but you will have to put people at ease so they can be honest. One thing we all share in common, unless we are a very sick individual, is the health and well being of all children. Go to those you trust. Don't try and manipulate them so they say what you want to hear and try and keep an open mind.
Allow the child or person to develop their own belief system even if it is contrary to yours. Believe me an indigo or crystal child is extremely spiritual but they will need to focus on the energy they are experiencing, where ever that takes them. Unless there is severe mental illness involved that energy will not lead them down the wrong road. By all means tell them your beliefs should they ask you and tell them how your beliefs have affected your life. Do not tell them how your beliefs will affect their lives.
People who have adapted the ability to connect to the energy in our universe directly cannot be told how to think. They certainly can be told how to act because conformity is not easy for them. Be consistent and explain why it is important to do things in a manner that is not disruptive to others. You have a huge ally in the message there are becoming attuned to. I will explain that later.
Those of you who consider yourself new age followers will have no problem getting a persons aura photographed. I suggest every one who is displaying signs of ADHD or other behavioral conditions get their aura photographed. If we do it for no other reason, we need to build a database and research it. The person photographing an aura can advise you on what they feel it means. Your beliefs will determine how you process that information.
I haven't had my aura photographed but I plan on doing so. I will be highly surprised if it isn't about as indigo as an aura can get. No matter, this information may become useful in determining how we treat people with what we perceive to be problems and the more auras we get along with the behavior the person is exhibiting, the more precise we can be on treatment decisions. No one is going to suffer serious trauma from having their aura photographed. We used to sit in a booth at a bus station or carnival and take a strip of low quality photographs for fun. Amaze your friends, show them your aura.
I believe and have been told the changes we are undergoing as a species results in huge range of abilities or defects which is how genetic alteration works. A long time ago our genome underwent a similar transformation but there is no record of how long the process took that I have been able to uncover. No one was writing things down in those days and all we have to go by is the fossil record. This time we get to document it in its entirety but medical science needs to stop looking at the whole process as a problem. There will be enough information to ensure it will be recorded correctly as our species evolves but there is going to be a lot of human suffering that can be avoided if we keep an open mind and don't push knowledge into the pigeon holes we think it should go into. That is my message with very little taken from the message.
I am an indigo who I believe is at the place all my brothers and sister will be as they mature and as they learn to not filter the message that started the day the universe came into existence or was created. I channel indigo light. It fills my field of vision when I have my eyes lightly closed or when I have my eyes open in dark or near dark conditions. Other times it focuses into an orb like structure that remains at a place in space when I turn my head. I can choose not to see it but I see it if I clear my mind. I do not always see it. Normally when I awake from nights sleep I do not see it but it appears withing a few minutes of my awakening.
I do not feel a presence and I do not hear words but I start thinking of things I may have little or no knowledge of. I find myself knowing enough to research the subject using knowledge I had no idea I possessed. I hope I encounter experts in the subjects I have written about that are experiencing a phenomena similar to mine. I would absolutely love it if a geneticist, an archaeologist and an astronomer were to introduce themselves and we could work on the information together. Until that happens I shall pursue this on my own.
I and my indigo brothers and sisters are here because we are messengers. Every advanced life form in the universe is getting the message provided they have evolved to a point they can understand some of it. Our religions are based on the message. Our beliefs about existence are based on the message but the rigors of living and self indulgence filter the message. I and my brothers and sisters have the ability to listen to the message with the filters turned down. It is our job to pass the message on and let the rest of our species decide if they want to listen or not.
I do not know if my brothers and sisters will see the light as I do. I hope so. I feel alone and I don't want to be. I am seeing a mental therapist and I am seeing an Ophthalmologist. The neurologist has said he can find nothing wrong. As a person who studies science I feel I have to pursue all avenues though I am convinced that what I am experiencing is real. I can understand why others will think I have a problem. I have friends and family who think I have a problem but there are others that have noticed a huge change in who I am.All I can say is I am not making any of this up.
I started writing over a year ago and my first blog was on reincarnation. I am documenting my experiences with indigo light in another blog. I tried a clever ploy to push traffic to the blog on indigo light which fell flat on its face. I learned a valuable lesson. There is a section on how to see indigo light that I suggest anyone who feels they have indigo abilities to read. It may prove to be of some use to you.
In November of 2010 I started experiencing indigo light. I had no idea what I was seeing. I started pursuing medical answers and I keep a running account on the blog I mentioned above. I will live with the title as a lasting memorial to my effort at being clever. In May of 2011 I was researching children who had experienced past life recall when I came across information regarding indigo and crystalline children. This is probably not the time for a bad pun but I cannot resist, the light bulb over my head lit up. On May 9th, 2011 I knew I was an indigo. That brings us to the message and all that it entails which you will find on the next page of this blog.