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Who are we?
Click for Us and the Universe
The last 6 months have been very interesting. I have been told why the universe exists, why we exist and what the purpose of our existence is. Anyone who has read what I have written is free to choose whether they believe any of it or not. I believe I have presented enough information to substantiate the above statements and, to this date, no one has contradicted anything I have said or offered any proof some of it is not possible. I welcome the debate. I have posted links on skeptic sites and so far nothing. The possibility exists no one is taking any of this seriously. That is something I am going to be working on as soon as this section of this blog is done.
I tell it the way it has been told to me not in words but knowledge. I have to supply the words. Sometimes the knowledge points me where I need to look to do the research needed to bring the thought to fruition. Sometimes I transcribe the thoughts as I get them and I may not understand them or even believe them myself. I questioned whether one of the roles we can choose was valid. It turned out to be the most popular post I made to one of the forums I am involved with.
During the entire time I have been transcribing and researching the things I have written, one questioned has remain unanswered and I believe even ignored. Who are we? It appears it doesn't matter who we are but I know it matters to me whether it should or not and I cannot imagine it doesn't matter to everyone reading this.
We are certainly unique on this planet. Are we unique in the universe? Mathematical probability strongly suggests we are not alone though we have not detected any evidence of advanced life forms anywhere else in our universe. I am not surprised. We are separated by massive distances and it appears much of our universe is not even observable from our current location. The signals generated by other civilizations haven't had time to get here and if they have, they may be so weak we cannot detect them with current technology.
Most religions refer to us as the children of God but is that an answer? Children grow up into something. I never hear the term adults of God so the world's religions basically dodge answering the question also. I believe that happens because we are all getting the message from the same source. It gets interpreted in different ways. The message is either, it doesn't matter who we are or we are on our own in determining who we are. I prefer the latter over the former.
Take a test with me. Seriously ask yourself who you are. Remove all the obvious from the answer. Father, mother, child, abilities, worker, religion you practice, gender (including sexual orientation), nationality and ethnicity and contemplate whats left. Take away your knowledge. What are you left with now? The answer is simple, you are left but who are you?
I can tell you this. What is left depends on whether you know or feel you have a spirit. Those who are in touch with their spirit have a lot better idea who they are then those that don't and the proof of what I say is all around us. I often use Gandhi or Mandela as an example. They knew/know who they were/are as much as anyone can. Talk to a person with Downs syndrome. They know who they are to the best of their abilities.
There is a peace that comes from being in touch with your spirit that is simply beyond the grasp of those who are not. It really doesn't matter if there is no such thing as a spirit. I don't believe that but it doesn't matter if there is or isn't. Assume it is nothing but fantasy. The peace is still the same. Those who are in touch with their spirit know exactly what I am saying. Those that are not have no idea what I am talking about.
Since being in touch with your spirit is so essential some of you should be asking why in hell does it have to be so hard? Good question and I have no obvious answer other than, if it was easy what would be the purpose in existing at all? I channeled that. It isn't always hard. People born with conditions like Downs syndrome are instantly in touch with their spirits but would you want to be born so afflicted in order to have an instant connection?
There are people born without any obvious challenges that are connected at birth and ones spiritual connection is not an on/off switch. It has levels. There are many different beliefs on how and why this occurs and we all need to find what we feel the most comfortable with.
There is a common factor. Anyone whose conscious mind is relatively disease free has access to it. I am referring to meditation. Do not confuse meditation with prayer. They couldn't be further apart. Beware of anyone who offers a quicker path to your spirituality especially if it involves your money. It is a journey we all take alone with the help of a spirit guide and you are the only one who can connect to a spiritual guide and meditation is the only way to do it.
I have heard of other ways but a little digging shows they are merely meditating in a different form. Anything that opens the gateway of your mind is meditation so for those who cannot quiet their mind, dream away. I would stay away from drugs and hypnosis. The thoughts you see may not be your own or a guide even if they are not associated with the world we find ourselves in. Once you have opened your mind and are in complete contact with your guide(s) experimenting with techniques may or may not have benefits. At least you won't be on your own. There are certain ethnic groups that may be fine with drug induced meditation and, because they are, it has become part of their culture. They are no doubt born in touch with their spirit and stay that way into adulthood.
I do not understand guides. When I ask it is like asking who am I when I am not in contact with my spirit. I am looking at a closed door. All I know is if you meditate, one shows up. Your guide may simply be an extension of your own spirit. What I channel is your guide is what you are the most comfortable with. I see no reason not to believe that. A recent event has led me to believe I have a better understanding of how guides work but that is not the topic here.
The deepest states of meditation are reached two ways practice and suffering, It is no coincidence that many of the most spiritual among us have suffered physical and mental duress, I do not believe suffering is an essential component but meditation allows the suffering person to escape their trauma. They have a lot of incentive and those who are imprisoned have a lot of time to do it. If emotional or physical pain has become a part of your life meditate. You have the ability to get to much higher levels.
In my case the physical suffering was worth it beyond my widest expectations, I still sought treatment for my pain and found it, The pain is gone and I don't miss it but my meditation skill I still have. I do not believe I could have made the journey without it. It is each persons journey to make and my guide is telling me why.
It all boils down to whether you are finding your spirit for the first time. We reincarnate and each time we do we continue our journey. Your meditating skills may be setback from one life to the next by circumstances in your previous lives as well as this one. You had to be a new spirit in your first life. My guide tells me I am an older spirit but I chose in this life to misuse my abilities attained via my level of spiritual awakening at an early age and my spiritual awareness was reset. It took a lot of meditation to get to where I am now. Your free will can certainly lead you away from your spirit. Look at the road back a person who allowed their free will to accept the Third Reich and become a willing and eager member of the Nazi party will have to take. Measure that in lifetimes.
My guide tells me the human genome is changing and people are being born for the first time who are much more spiritually connected than those who were born before them. Are all our journeys getting shorter because theirs are shorter? My guide is silent but I tend to think so. We have close to two billion years before this planet is done so shorter is certainly a relative turn.
We all tend to like simple answers and there are simple answers. Here is mine which my spirit/guide insists I share with you. "Always choose the least chaotic path. If the path is not clear seek the advice of others."
We will all end up at the same destination. By the time we do, we will all finally know who we are or we simply won't care. Find your spirit. Enjoy your journey.
There is another simple fact that I have not seen in print. We come into this life with the mind of a child. If we do not take the time to meditate in the course of our life we will leave this life with the mind of a child. Every person I have shared this with agrees regardless of their religious beliefs. It is so blatantly obvious. it makes me wonder why I haven't seen it stated before.
I have yet to meet a person who believes it is a waste of time to meditate. I have met many who believe it is a waste of time to pray. I meditated on this and I believe I have been given the answer. Meditation is all about yourself. Prayer is all about others. If your prayer is self serving, and that can be very subtle, you are wasting your time. If you want it to be about you meditate instead and you will find answers. If your focus is solely on another person then pray. There are many factors that determine whether prayer will work with one being giving up any value for yourself when praying. If it is a loved one that is not easy to do. If you need comfort dealing with the sickness of a loved one do not pray, meditate.
Do not pray regarding natural events like weather or phenomena like earthquakes. These are chaotic in nature and the only way any of us can bring order to chaos is by meditating and, depending on your knowledge, you will gain insight on how to minimize the chaos or you may find you have embarked on a journey that will involve becoming more educated so you can take an active role in the chaotic situation(s) that bother you. If God did not want there to be chaos, there would be no chaos. If you do not believe in God then chaos is part of the natural order of things . In either case we can develop the skills and knowledge to control any chaos that affects human lives.
We will all live many lives. On occasion chaos will end one. In the long run we will master chaos and either control it or eliminate it. That I am told is the prime reason for our existing. Sounds like a good reason to me.
Us and the Universe
Though you never read or hear it said, the underlying thought out there is the universe exists for us. God is all about us. The question I always ask is if it's all about us why is the universe so big? We could get along fine with just our sun and accompanying planets and moon. The answer is the biggest answer anyone will ever find anywhere, it isn't all about us. We exist because the universe exists.
I go into the why in other parts of this blog. The following paragraphs are about the how of our existence and how it all relates. The first part is about us. The current physical body you are reading this with is temporary. If you are an atheist and skeptical then amuse yourself with the following observations. AlI I ask is will you please try and disprove anything you read here. The second part is about the universe. It is a lot bigger but we get top billing and a larger write up. By us I mean our spirit and I believe it is eternal. Very few question whether there is a human spirit. The arguments start when people like me say our spirit survives physical death.
If our spirit is to survive physical death of the body it only stands to reason it has to be able to separate from the physical body. Our spirit is energy and it does conform to the laws of the universe as does all other forms of energy. I have not heard anyone suggest anything else. As energy it has to have time to get to a dimensional portal. I have seen the portal but I have no proof that it exists. Once there it no longer has to comply to the physical laws of this universe. All I can say is it leads to infinity. If you could see it you would know that.
Since our spirit is eternal it has to be able to survive anything. The worst possible fates a human can experience, as far as putting our spirit in jeopardy, is the detonation of a nuclear device, our sun exploding or a large meteorite impacting where you are standing. Of the three, the nuclear bomb is the most likely and hundreds of thousands of souls were released from their physical bodies in 1945 in less time than a blink of an eye. How did their spirits escape nuclear annihilation as all energy and mass is either destroyed or severely modified in the process? For advanced life forms to survive in spirit form there has to be a way. The energy from lower life forms ascends immediately but ours is designed to stick around. That is explained later when I talk about the universe.
The answer, our spirit exists in two places at the same time. One end is in our brain stem. The other end can be basically anywhere but tends to stay in the lower atmosphere as long as it is associated with this planet and human life on it. It stays in our lower atmosphere because it is energy and all interfering energy other than heat is blocked or attenuated by our atmosphere, It is in no danger but other energies can interfere with the connection to our brain stem. These interferences manifest themselves as bad spirits or bad energies. I know these things because I have seen my spirit from both ends due to my ability to channel indigo light..
Those who are in communication with their spirit sense natural energy interference as being an evil force. It is where all our stories of demons come from. Our spiritual string (the energy that connects the end in our physical brain to the other end of our spirit) is the path we use to do astral projections, out of body and near death experiences. You ascend the path as you gain meditative skill.
The other end of our spirit can connect to the spiritual gateway at anytime so any plane of consciousness is possible. Astrology becomes a factor because this energy path is affected by the energies of the universe. If our spirits were single ended in our brains, we would have no knowledge of astrology or other metaphysical phenomena. When the physical body dies the brain end simply no longer exists and our spirit is single ended and stays that way until it either ascends or reincarnates.
The next question becomes why do we have to reconnect a physical body to our spirit in every physical life we will live? The first reason is still conjecture but I have been told it is so we can connect to any advanced life form anywhere in the universe. If our spirit was customized to a certain species it would not be able to do this. The prime reason is we have to adapt and learn as live evolves and the universe evolves. If we had total recall of past lives it would interfere with our current life except in those rare individuals that could handle all that information.
Each life we have teaches our spirit new skills, new knowledge and new experiences. We will be all things a human can be in the course of our many lives. Those that have nothing more to learn or do will ascend. How easily an infant connects to it’s spirit is controlled by fate and chance. Due to physical evolution, environment, disease and defects all permutations and combinations are possible.
Currently we do not know when the spirit connects to the body. We have the tools to figure this out if we would only do the research but, to date, no one is taking the process seriously though understanding it would change the way mankind perceives life, death and the afterlife. Obviously it connects as even complete skeptics acknowledge there is a human spirit though they believe it does not survive physical death and would be created sometime during gestation.
I am not the first person to suggest this. Thomas Edison, in a New York times article in 1921, fervently hoped that the research he had done and was ongoing would be picked up by others so mankind could once and for all put this subject to rest. He had no interest in spirit, in the metaphysical sense though he had flirted with the metaphysical earlier in his life. If you couldn't test it he saw no need in pursuing it but he firmly believed if there was in fact a human spirit that survived death it could be detected.
At that time he saw spirit as a component of every living part of the human body and upon death that energy was scattered so any future living thing could use it. If a human in spirit were to exist one would have to find a way to reassemble all the parts in energy form. I assume he that would have to be done rather quickly before it wandered off amid the flora and fauna.
In contrast to that statement, earlier in the article, he did allude to what we call our personality and memory could be assembled into the consciousness of a person. No one knew better than Edison that our brains are basically a battery for converting energy to chemicals and chemicals to energy. The man invented many forms of them as he was a chemist before he was a wizard in electricity and electronics.
I apologize for putting words into his mouth but I think what he was saying was the energy of the body was not lost no matter what and he saw the possibility of being able to reassemble the consciousness. I have studied his life and methods extensively and I have no doubt he would have conducted research on the higher order, the bodies cells giving up their energy, before starting research on identifying a component of the body, our brain. One has to know the properties before one can pursue the application so his research no doubt involved detecting life energy separating from living cells. Sounds like a good idea to me.
As for spirit, here is the strange part, the process is obvious to us all. It is so obvious we no longer notice it or think about it. If you want to see human spirit look into the eyes of any newborn. Unless that newborn is severely traumatized or abused their spirit is obvious for at least the first six years of their lives. It varies between individuals as there are many factors at play.
In the early years the spirit is teaching the physical body the things the physical body is best suited for. Toddlers, for the most part , are free of societal or philosophical manipulation. A child raised in one system will easily adapt to a new one language and all. As the child approaches puberty, the spirit finishes programming the child and it slowly releases its active role in the developing brain. This is the main reason teenagers find themselves unattached to life and alone even in very loving families.
This is the time when a person desperately needs to start meditating but modern society has lost the skill. Some try prayer but prayer cannot replace mediation. The young mind is impatient and in most cases, basic meditation techniques accompanied by activities like sports are the only hope parents have to assist their children’s reconnection to their spirits. We need to do a lot of research in this area as there no doubt are techniques we either do not know or do not practice.
The sooner in life one connects to their spirit the better. If a person as a teen ager does not connect to their spirit, connecting later in life is basically a crap shoot. Meditation is the key but the longer one goes, the greater the challenge to reach a state of meditation deep enough for the process to begin. Trauma or disease lead many people to meditation. The struggles encountered when one lives their lives with no spiritual connection are another. Meditation can come during repetitive work, sleepless nights, or any quiet activity.
The number of people who never connect to their spirit is staggering and is one of the main problems facing today’s societies. Every person I have talked to who has connected to their spirit calls the moment of realization an epiphany. It doesn’t matter what their religion is including atheists, what their nationality is or what their position in life is. Every man and woman I know, who is aware of their spirit, has seen their life change in ways those who are not connected cannot understand. I have never met a person who regretted finding their spirit. Their regret is it didn’t happen sooner in their lives
The indigo light I channel has given to me a level of intuition with potential I do not understand. I realize how delusional this sounds but in the last few months I have been given answers to every question I have read or asked myself even when I do not reflect on it. I recently called my stock broker and told him how to take the volatility out of fortune 500 and other companies who pay dividends in an effort to make their shares less speculative. He thought it was a great idea but there are market forces that will stand in the way of implementing it.
The idea, simply base the exchange rate on the average of the sales over the last 3-6 months. These companies represent the backbone of most retirement portfolios and most of them are loaded with cash. There simply is no reason why their shares should be following daily trends. If anyone cares to listen I can tell them how to solve the budget crisis the USA is in but that's not the subject of this blog.
Most of the information I am about to provide on the universe has been given to me. I hope it encourages those with the knowledge and skills to dig into what I am about to say. To Stephen Hawking, if what I have to say about black holes is proven to be true, I wish you had been given this information and not me. I do not deserve it. If there was a way I could pass my ability to channel indigo light to you I would. There is so much more you could do with it than I can.
I have had three visions two involve the universe. They were the first and the last. The one in the middle is where we are in our journey in reference to the journey the universe is on. The middle one is our connection to the universe, God or the hall of records whatever you want to call it. Our spirits use it but this part is about the universe. The first image was the end of the journey. The third image I saw was the beginning of the journey and the journey did not begin until shortly after the big bang. The big bang happens because the previous universes journey ended. There is no time lapse between the start of one and the end of the other because, without a universe, there is no time.
When a universe does not exist there is only energy in chaos. Out of chaos a universe happens and it is chaotic but chaos begins to change. Slowly at first but the rate accelerates as the universe ages. Chaos is eliminated in two ways. One involves turning mass and chaotic energy into structured energy. The other simply removes mass and energy from the universe.
Method one turns energy and mass into living energy which is structured. Method two siphons energy and mass out of the universe via black holes. There is a relationship I do not completely understand. Life forms become more and more complex because, the more complex, the greater the energy conversion. Dinosaurs seemed like a good idea but they could not adapt to their environment and could not take an active role in removing chaos from the universe so intelligent independent conscious life forms evolved in order to facilitate bringing order to chaos.
The problem with intelligent life forms is they are capable of mayhem and can contribute to chaos. Maybe dinosaurs were the better idea. Time will tell. In the interim black holes continue to do their mindless task. Chaos is packed into a bubble by each black hole. As the black hole ages it dissipates but it's bubble remains. The age of of the universe is directly proportional to the number of bubbles. Once the number of bubbles reach a critical state the universe is returned to chaos. The journey is over.
I have been given more information regarding the structure of our universe and how it begins and ends. First the beginning and the ending are one in the same. It is not realistic to look at our universe as a structure but we have to do that in order to visualize the process. Think of the universe as an egg and I have no reason for using the shape of an egg other than it feels right. The universe, both observable and currently unobservable due to distance, is inside the egg. On the surface of the egg we see what appears to be bubbles. Inside the bubbles is all the mass and energy that have been sucked into black holes including those that are no longer active.
When the combined mass and energy on the outside of the egg reaches a critical state, the egg inverts. All that is outside is now inside and vice versa. and the process repeats itself over and over again. There is a loss from the system in the form of life energy. When the universe inverts the life energy that was created separates and is no longer part of the physical universe. Inside the egg, the process of creating life energy starts all over again. One can look upon our universe as a breeder reactor.
I have no idea what happens to the life energy that separates from the universe. I can only assume that information will be forthcoming if we have the capacity to understand it. I am not a quantum physicist. If the information I have could be made available to those that are, there no doubt is a lot more to know than I am capable of.
Until we discover other intelligent lifeforms that have attained individuality in the universe, it will remain us and the universe
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