There has always been energy.
In the absence of order all energy is in chaos.
From chaos a universe happens or is created.
Time starts and the first steps of order come into existence. These steps are the laws that govern the universe.
To bring more order to chaos life happens. Life is energy in non chaotic form even in its simplest form.
The sole purpose of life is to bring order to chaos
The purpose of life is to happen when conditions allow it. Once the process begins, life must evolve or the process will end and start again when conditions allow it.
The purpose of evolution, be it divinely inspired or due to natural selection, is to adapt life to a universe in chaos and ultimately bring order to the Universe that is its home.
Life is energy and is not unique in lower life forms regardless of species. In the course of evolution life will adapt species of beings that become unique individuals.
These individual beings primary purpose is to bring order to chaos to the degree of their ability.
Advanced life forms that attain unique individuality will further evolve to a point where the will learn to use tools and adapt tools to make other tools. In conjunction with this ability they will learn how to communicate through speech and writing with others of their species.
In order for the above individual beings to bring order to chaos their life energy will pass from one physical life to the next . This process will continue until the chaos in the universe is eliminated where possible and/or controlled when it is not possible.
The above individual life forms have unique skills. All advanced life forms are recorders and carry their knowledge and ability with them until the universe is in sufficient order. All will adapt skills according to their physical ability and intelligence in the following areas:
- Observers/reporters
- Educators
- Tool makers and tool users
- Healers
- Thinkers
- Growers/farmers
- Entertainers
The above skills and skills resulting from the combinations of the above are all the initial skills required for advanced life forms to bring order to chaos to the best of their ability.
Three new skills will evolve when an advanced life form has evolved enough to accept them.
- Messengers – Messengers are tasked with delivering this message in addition to attaining any of the above mentioned skills.
- Teachers – Teachers will teach the message and will be born with an ability they excel at so they can dedicate their lives to teaching the message.
- Doers – The Doers will follow the teachers and will have phenomenal abilities they will use to bring order to chaos. They will do this regardless of whether the rest of their species is willing to assist in the task.
In the absence of organization, certain individuals will emerge as leaders. Leadership is not a skill required to bring order to chaos. It exists solely to minimize chaos among individuals who allow chaos to control their lives and once most individual life forms recognize that, there will be no need of leaders. Leadership can bring order to chaos among individuals but chaos increases as a result of it being necessary.
Once chaos has been eliminated or controlled throughout the universe, the universe will change state and will no longer exist in conjunction with chaos.
There will be no order or time.
All that will remain will be chaos.
There will be only energy
I do not totally understand it all but I hopefully have removed as many of my filters as I can. I see indigo light. Shortly after I see it, concepts form in my conscious mind intuitively. I then think about the concepts and do research where I need to. I develop a hypothesis This is what I have deduced from the above message.
From the attosecond the Universe came into existence until the very next attosecond to come, the Universe becomes more organized. Said another way chaos diminishes. Energies grow further and further apart and they appear to be accelerating in the process. That process will continue until chaos on any large scale is no longer possible.
It appears there is no time unless there is chaos.
Chaos continues to happen as long as there is any mass in this universe but black holes can remove all the mass if they increase enough in size to do so. They provide a clue. Our species, along with what are undoubtedly multitudes of other advanced lifeforms has the capacity to affect the physical path our Universe is currently on.
It may be the only way the Universe can sustain is by converting chaos to controlled chaos which sounds like an oxymoron until one visualizes an internal combustion automobile engine. Inside the cylinders of that engine there is total chaos every time a spark plug ignites the fuel but the result is controlled. Left to its own, chaos in the Universe will diminish until the point is reached the Universe can no longer exist.
We exist to prevent that from happening.
The primary form of the message is based in mathematics and the symbols associated with math. Every advanced life form in the universe speaks and reads the same language when it comes to mathematics. Based on the number of different languages we have on this planet alone it becomes hard to imagine how many different languages there are in the universe.
I have no proof but I believe the calculus on planet Gorp will look just like the calculus on planet Earth as both are based on the physical laws of the universe. The symbol for change on Gorp may not be delta but any mathematician would quickly identify the symbols should they differ and either the message or my instincts is telling me they have similar characteristics as all symbols come from logic. Incidentally Gorp is totally a figment of my imagination as far as the name is concerned. No doubt Gorpians feel good about that. I am sure the name they chose for their planet resonates well in their native tongue. Hopefully they have only one language. Less chaos.
I am about to provide instructions oh how to draw my symbolic representation of the Universe based on the message. I could insert a graphic image here but every person needs to make their own drawing. You are also receiving the message and you may come up with something I haven't. You do not have to be a student of mathematics to do this. It requires a pencil, a ruler, a rectangular piece of paper (8x11 is good) and either the tools or the ability to draw a circle and arcs. An explanation of what you are about to draw follows the instructions. The instructions for creating a universe all your own are as follows:
The above was written before I realized the biggest factor in my spiritual awakening was the meditation I was using to escape the pain of my Trigeminial Neuralgia. I honestly did not look upon it as meditation. I was undergoing acupuncture for the pain and the acupuncturist introduced me to meditation without addressing it as meditation.. As I look back on it, it is obviously what I was doing but escaping the pain was the motivation. What the surgical procedure did, aside from riding me of pain, was affect my ability to become aware of my guide. I have no doubt now my guide was there long before the pain was gone but my focus was on separating myself from the pain. Once the pain was gone I became instantly aware of my guide though I did not make the connection right away. I know of no one else that experiences their guide in the form of indigo light. If there is please contact me.
I do not totally understand it all but I hopefully have removed as many of my filters as I can. I see indigo light. Shortly after I see it, concepts form in my conscious mind intuitively. I then think about the concepts and do research where I need to. I develop a hypothesis This is what I have deduced from the above message.
From the attosecond the Universe came into existence until the very next attosecond to come, the Universe becomes more organized. Said another way chaos diminishes. Energies grow further and further apart and they appear to be accelerating in the process. That process will continue until chaos on any large scale is no longer possible.
It appears there is no time unless there is chaos.
Chaos continues to happen as long as there is any mass in this universe but black holes can remove all the mass if they increase enough in size to do so. They provide a clue. Our species, along with what are undoubtedly multitudes of other advanced lifeforms has the capacity to affect the physical path our Universe is currently on.
It may be the only way the Universe can sustain is by converting chaos to controlled chaos which sounds like an oxymoron until one visualizes an internal combustion automobile engine. Inside the cylinders of that engine there is total chaos every time a spark plug ignites the fuel but the result is controlled. Left to its own, chaos in the Universe will diminish until the point is reached the Universe can no longer exist.
We exist to prevent that from happening.
The primary form of the message is based in mathematics and the symbols associated with math. Every advanced life form in the universe speaks and reads the same language when it comes to mathematics. Based on the number of different languages we have on this planet alone it becomes hard to imagine how many different languages there are in the universe.
I have no proof but I believe the calculus on planet Gorp will look just like the calculus on planet Earth as both are based on the physical laws of the universe. The symbol for change on Gorp may not be delta but any mathematician would quickly identify the symbols should they differ and either the message or my instincts is telling me they have similar characteristics as all symbols come from logic. Incidentally Gorp is totally a figment of my imagination as far as the name is concerned. No doubt Gorpians feel good about that. I am sure the name they chose for their planet resonates well in their native tongue. Hopefully they have only one language. Less chaos.
I am about to provide instructions oh how to draw my symbolic representation of the Universe based on the message. I could insert a graphic image here but every person needs to make their own drawing. You are also receiving the message and you may come up with something I haven't. You do not have to be a student of mathematics to do this. It requires a pencil, a ruler, a rectangular piece of paper (8x11 is good) and either the tools or the ability to draw a circle and arcs. An explanation of what you are about to draw follows the instructions. The instructions for creating a universe all your own are as follows:
- An 8x11 sheet of paper works fine. I suggest the paper you select should be at least 5” wide and no less than 8” long. It needs to be at least 2 inches longer than it is wide and I recommend 3 inches.
- Draw two construction lines (thin faint line) half way across and down the paper , dividing the sheet of paper into 4 equal squares.
- Orient your paper so the longest side is facing you (8” across and 11”down).
- To the left of your center line draw a vertical construction line half way between the left edge of your paper and the center line. Do the same on the right side. Your paper should now have 4 equal boxes above the horizontal center line and 4 equal boxes below the horizontal center line.
- On the left hand vertical line draw a circle with the center at the point where the horizontal construction line crosses the left hand vertical line. The radius of the circle should not exceed 1/3 of the distance between the left hand vertical line and the middle vertical line. On an 8x11 sheet I suggest a .5” to .75” inch radius.
- Draw a second circle on the right hand vertical line in the same position with the same radius.
- You are now going to construct 4 arcs of a circle with 2 connected to each of the circles you drew above. If you look at the horizontal center line on your sheet of paper you will notice that it intersects each circle in 2 places. Those are the starting points for each arc.
- The end points for each arc are somewhere on the vertical construction lines that runs through the center of each circle. I suggest you make them at least 1/2 the distance from the top and bottom edges of your piece of paper. What ever distance you decide upon must be the same for each arc.
- The slope must be the same for each arc. For those who do not understand slope, all 4 arcs will have the same shape but each pair is made up of opposite sides of a circle.
- Before you start to draw your arcs decide how far you want them to be from the bottom and top edge of the paper and put a dot on the line. All 4 must be the same distance from the edges,
- Start with the right hand vertical line. The two arcs you are going to project from the circle will result in a shape that looks like an “S” with a circle in the middle of it but the slope of the arcs will be constant. The slopes in the letter “S” are not constant so you will end up with a shallow looking “S” with a circle in the middle.
- The upper arc on the right hand vertical line will start at the left hand point where the circle intersects the horizontal construction line and end at the point you selected on the top of the right hand vertical line. The lower arc will start at the right hand point where the circle intersects the horizontal construction line and end at the point you selected on the bottom of the right hand vertical line. If you are confused remember the letter “S” with a circle in the middle.
- If you don’t like the way it looks you can adjust the size of the circle and the length of the arcs to your taste. This is your universe and you can have it the way you want it as long as you stay within the mathematical constraints.
- This leaves the left hand side which happens to be the mirror image of the right hand side. Said another way the bottom arc from the left line is drawn at the top of the right hand line.
- To the left of the left hand circle or in the middle of the left hand circle write a capital A or symbol which signifies Alpha. You can write the word Alpha if you prefer.
- To the right of the right hand circle or in the middle of the right hand circle place the symbol for Omega. You can write the word Omega if you prefer.
- The explanation will follow once you have completed your universe.
- What you should now see on your paper is something that looks like a vase with the top and bottom open with a circle in the middle of each side. I could have said draw it that way but it is important to know that what you just drew is full of mathematical relationships that must be maintained. If you have no math skills there will be no need to ponder any of this past the written explanation. If you do have math skills have fun..
- You now have in your hand the beginning and the end of a universe as we know it. Since we only know one universe, ours, it is the universe we reside in. We have more to add to this, our universe.
- Below and between Alpha and Omega draw a horizontal line that ends on the right hand vertical construction line and the left hand vertical construction line. Place a carrot or arrow point on each end. Under the line place a lower case “t”. This is the symbol for time.
- On the center vertical construction line draw the symbol for chaos on a horizontal construction line drawn through the upper arc midpoints. Choose a size that is ascetically pleasing to you.
- On the center vertical construction line draw the symbol for life (ankh) on a horizontal construction line drawn through the lower arc midpoints. Choose a size that is ascetically pleasing to you.
- Draw the symbol for difference (Nabla) around the symbol for chaos. Draw the symbol for change (Delta) around the symbol for life.
- Congratulations! You now have your own universe to study at your leisure.
The formula in its simplest form is:
As life changes chaos diminishes. Alpha is the beginning of the Universe. Omega is the end of chaos. The end of chaos is accomplished two ways. It can be eliminated or it can be controlled by confining it. Confinement must be permanent in order for chaos to be controlled. The chaos happening on all suns is confined for millennia at a cost. That cost ends in chaos. The message is what appears to be bringing order to chaos, may only be putting it off. Know the difference.
What is unclear is how much time we have in order to bring order to chaos. No doubt the information is in the message but I do not have enough knowledge to realize or get any inkling the knowledge is there. We do know the universe is expanding. Could it be a universe will simple expand itself out of existence should life fail to bring order to chaos? If that happens all that would remain is chaos and the message tells us another universe will exist as a result of total chaos. That may be one path to Omega. Those of you who possess a lot more mathematical skills than I do will hopefully rise to the challenge.
How much you read from here on will depend on your training in mathematics. The piece of paper aka universe you are looking at is a plane geometry version. We all know the universe is spatial and the one you just drew is no different. All the math to be derived from the drawing starts when you fold your paper down the center vertical construction line. Once folded, rotating it 180 degrees we see the symbol for congruency. Since we have nothing to suggest depth in the drawing tilt the folded paper 90 degrees on the vertical axis and we have the operator for equality, the equal sign.
If we want to solve for a reduction in chaos all that represents chaos is placed to the left of the operator. All that represents life is placed to the right of the equal sign. We can assign a variable to each arc pair. Their relationship is obvious so variable notation will identify each arc and arc pair. The circle is constant to both Alpha and Omega. The arcs are a function of the circle. The entire process is a function of time.
At this point we reach the limit of my math skills but the shape or the message suggests something else to me I would love to see some math genius pursue. I see a symbol for non congruency in the plane geometry version. I see it because it is the most obvious of the symbols. To my knowledge we all assume that non congruency is what exists when there is no congruency and all the work that has been done in identifying non congruent shapes and numbers is based on the assumption there are only two possible states. If you look at Alpha and Omega and transpose them we see two states of non congruency. I have been researching this and I find no study that directly addresses the phenomena. I see a few phase studies that mention it but it is not addressed as being anything significant.
There was time in most of our lifetimes when no one put much significance in binary mathematics. After all it only involved two states, fun to study but how was it practical?
If there had been no logical constructs it would have been stored on a bookshelf with multitudes of other mathematical observations. Technology led to the development of a two state device and the world was changed forever. Binary mathematics had been around since man first laid pencil to paper but knowledge and invention led to it being a factor in every aspect of our lives. Non congruency has two states. Are we missing something here?
There are so many people who have found their energy it truly is all the evidence anyone should need to realize mankind is evolving to the next level. Most who have found their energy face unwanted and unneeded medical treatment should they seek the help of professionals for the normal problems everyone has to deal with. Many get classified as delusional in order to cover up the questions that are being asked that have no answer. Many go into hiding and are forced to work well below their capability and education as they will be scorned by those who have not found their energy. Had the world used the same approach as mankind emerged from the dark ages, many of our greatest inventions would have taken centuries more to materialize. It appears that the more we learn, the more ignorant we become.
That is starting to change The transition period will be rocky as everything determined by natural selection is. To those who have found their energy who are channeling I say, you are only channeling via an alter ego because you are using a filter to interact with your energy. I was blessed. I was born attuned to my energy and I had strong psychic powers that I misused at a young age. We do not have abilities to use them in a negative manner and either I choose to control my powers or that decision was made for me because I misused them. I grew up totally out of touch with my energy which started to change about a year ago when I encountered evidence of reincarnation that was impossible to dismiss and I was a very vocal skeptic at that time, I went to the extreme to debunk the evidence and instead I ended up believing in reincarnation because the evidence supporting it is happening is overwhelming if one takes the time to step back and look at the forest instead of the trees. I can almost hear my energy vocalizing a sigh of relief because a door to my mind had finally started to open.
If we study history and look at the lives of all who have had epiphanies, they are always accompanied by intense suffering and mine was no different. I suffered with Trigeminal Neuralgia for two years before my energy was set free. The condition is one of the most painful a person can endure. Many commit suicide rather than deal with the excruciating pain that comes with it. In all cases of epiphany there is an event associated with the awakening and in my case the event was a surgical procedure. A needle was inserted into my brain stem and a small balloon was inflated in order to compress the nerve junction and it worked. I no longer have any pain. In the process a miracle happened. Stated in simple form there are two major nerve paths into our brain. One connects all our sensory capability directly to our conscious mind. The other is integrated in the brain stem so you can do things like look at your coffee on the table, pick it up and drink it without having to control consciously every visual and muscle response required. Once integrated, the action is done and recorded in the sub conscious and near conscious mind.
The procedure I underwent opened the unconscious nerve branch to my energy and the universal energy. The sensory path to my conscious mind was not altered. What that means is I am connected to my energy and the universal energy and my conscious mind is not involved. The only awareness my conscious mind has is I can see indigo light. The indigo light I see is the universal energy, my energy and the energy of others both in a physical body and out of one. When I see the light there is no conscious thought. In fact, if I start thinking, I no longer see the indigo light.
What happens is I know things I have never studied and I know things I do not understand nor do I know how to communicate them, Sometimes I can do research and fill in the blanks. Other times I cannot and I believe I cannot because I am getting knowledge of things our species cannot currently comprehend. One of those things is a mathematical family involving non congruency and I do not have the math skills to pursue it.
Here is the beauty of what has happened to me. Since my conscious mind is not involved, my ego isn’t involved. Neither are any of my preconceptions or beliefs. I am getting all this information unfiltered. Unfortunately the information becomes filtered when it is passed to my conscious mind. In my case, it is a two step process. In other people it is a one step process. The difference is I know my filters are at play. No one else does unless they are connected to the energy of the universe the same way I am. For that to happen they had to be attuned to their energy at birth, disconnect or have their energy disconnected for an extended period of time, get Trigeminal Neuralgia, have the same procedure I had done and have the same result I have had. Most Trigeminal Neuralgia repairs today are done with a gamma knife and I don’t know if the same effect is possible. Due to the circumstances I think I am alone and I honestly wish I wasn’t. At 74 I don’t know how much time I have to get the message out but my life is now dedicated to doing just that.
I believe we are witnessing the new evolution in mankind as we enter the next era of our species path to our final destination, if there is a final destination for us. That is part of the message I do not understand. I recently had another miracle happen that pointed me in the right direction and it involved two other people, both very prominent in the paranormal field. It opened the door to a mystery I am currently pursuing.
The only filtering involved in my case is being introduced, second hand by my conscious mind. I hold the knowledge unfiltered in my unconscious and near conscious mind. Those that are tuned to the universal energy and have both paths functioning are inadvertently impacting the same knowledge I am getting. There is absolutely no doubt in my mind that every advanced life form in the universe is getting the same message I am. I am unique because of the above circumstances. I believe it is well within the realm of modern science to extract the information in my unconscious and near conscious mind and I can’t believe there is not one person or single group out there with the ability and finances who aren’t interested in seeing what can be done with my ability. I am certainly willing too volunteer myself for the research even if there is some element of risk and pain.
If I am hallucinating, I still have to believe someone would want to study how that could be possible. I show no other signs of delusional behavior and that should present a mystery to anyone in the mental health field. If no one steps forward, at least I can use the internet to get the word to as many people as possible before I leave this physical body. The sad part is my next physical body hopefully will be fully functioning and the process is designed to repress past life recall either by natural law or divine guidance. I say both because I don’t want to spin up anyone’s filters when they read this. There is a one time opportunity here though someone should poll all those who have had the same procedure I did and see if there is anyone else who is too confused or afraid to step forward.
I issue a challenge to the scientific community. First, disprove any of the knowledge I have already shared with anyone who wants to read it along with the upcoming knowledge I have not yet shared. Second, let’s engage in a study and thoroughly evaluate what has happened to me and try and extract all the information we can get. There certainly has been a lot of money and time spent pursuing information with no where near the potential impact this study could have.
The above was written before I realized the biggest factor in my spiritual awakening was the meditation I was using to escape the pain of my Trigeminial Neuralgia. I honestly did not look upon it as meditation. I was undergoing acupuncture for the pain and the acupuncturist introduced me to meditation without addressing it as meditation.. As I look back on it, it is obviously what I was doing but escaping the pain was the motivation. What the surgical procedure did, aside from riding me of pain, was affect my ability to become aware of my guide. I have no doubt now my guide was there long before the pain was gone but my focus was on separating myself from the pain. Once the pain was gone I became instantly aware of my guide though I did not make the connection right away. I know of no one else that experiences their guide in the form of indigo light. If there is please contact me.
I have nothing more to add to the message. Thoughts and knowledge I never knew I had, until I became attuned to the message, are outlined on the page I call realizations.