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If you have gotten this far I can't believe there remains any doubt that something is really going on here. If I am crazy, I had no idea crazy could be so complex. I know my life and what I have to do with the rest of my life has changed drastically and all the changes started happening in November of 2010.
I wrote my blog on reincarnation before any of this phenomena because I happened upon information regarding the research being conducted by Dr. Tucker at the University of Virginia. I was highly skeptical of their research and I set out to disprove their conclusions. I ended up believing in reincarnation happening as the result of the natural evolution of an advanced life form and I still believe that. The problem is it didn't answer why but under the laws of natural selection there is no need for why so there is no need to answer the question.
That's what I thought until May of 2011. I now know that all that inspired me was coming from the message we are all receiving provided we have the ability to receive it and we are not filtering it. There is a why beyond any doubt. How remains somewhat of a mystery though I believe I have figured out or been told much of the process. Since there is a why do we really need to know how? The message is there. All we have to do is listen if we can.
It is obvious to me that most people who are getting the message are filtering it. I still filter it though I really try to keep my filtering to a minimum, An immediate consequence is I have discovered what people call our spirituality. I now understand others who are attuned to their spirituality more than I could imagine was possible. I also know everyone I have talked to is filtering the message. If I can only accomplish one thing in the physical life I have remaining in this body, I want it to be making all who listen aware that they are filtering and try and work around their filters.
I think I can even advise how you will know when that happens. You will start to see indigo light just like I can see indigo light. There are people who will never see indigo light no matter how badly they want to because they do not have the DNA to see it. I believe research into the proteins that affect human eyesight will ultimately provide a solution to those who do not have the ability.
Ability alone will not work. You have to want to see it. I can turn it off at anytime. I do not believe I shut the message off but I do believe I am filtering it to the maximum when I do. I don't turn it off anymore and I gain new knowledge and insight every day. It simply is an amazing trip and I would love it if everybody could take it. It isn't always there. I never wake up tuned in. It only takes a minute or so and I am tuned in. I am sleeping better than I ever have in my life and I am having dreams I plan on discussing provided I have the time. All I can say for now is it is a wonderful place we are going to and if you think heaven you are filtering the message.
There is only one way we are ever going to get there and that is bringing an end to chaos either by eliminating it or controlling it. If the advanced lifeforms in this universe can't get the job done there will be no reward at the end. That will not end the process. A new universe will start and we individually may or may not evolve in the new universe. Mathematically the odds aren't great so if we all want the reward we need to make sure we get the job done. Life will evolve in the new universe. We as individuals may not.
Energy is never lost and your energy increases with every life you live. How that all plays out should chaos win the day, I have no idea. I have had very brief exposures to what happens should we win out and it is unbelievable. There is awareness that others who have had near death experiences or have been exposed to miracles understand. I do not know if what they experience compares to my glimpses because I simply cannot put it into words. To those who have shared the trip, I don't have to put it into words.
If you have the ability to see indigo light and you remove as much filtering as you can, I believe you too will experience what I have and an exposure of no longer than a split second will answer all your questions, remove all your fears and bring total purpose to your life. it will be an awesome moment for you. It may not work out so well with your family and friends. They may not understand and you will have decisions to make. Keep in mind your ability to receive the message is totally in your control. You will have to weigh the consequences. You will live many more lives and you will know you will so you don't have to get it done in this one.
Right now I feel compelled to get it done in this life because there are not many listening to the message and I would sure love some company so I can spend the rest of my days fishing and advising those that still seek it at my leisure. I also know that many of my brothers and sisters are being born and they are in trouble. Unfortunately they present the world with signs that are interpreted as imbalance and total resistance to conformity. This becomes even more confusing as there are conditions that are due to imbalances in the brain with similar symptoms and those afflicted need treatment. How do we know the difference? I am not sure that I do but I am hoping for a connection that lets me see the difference. I hope by getting the message out others can see the differences and accept whatever the reality is.
Until I have had an opportunity to administer to those that need help and have verifiable results substantiating the results all I can ask for is people to listen. I am not a Doctor or a mental health professional, but I live by the basic tenet of the Hippocratic Oath; "First, do no harm." For example, indigo people are hyper sensitive to medication. There may be those that are not but their systems operate at a different level as a result of their genetic alignments. Everyone gives their children over the counter medications for a variety of conditions. There is no danger in experimenting with low dosages of over the counter medications other than the symptoms being treated may not respond. If the child is seriously ill you should not be using over the counter medications to treat their condition anyway. See if doses 1/4 the prescribed amount effectively treat the condition. If they do tell your Doctor and make sure it is noted in their medical records especially if you see the same results for more than one medication.
I believe every child born in the last 20 years needs to have their genome mapped and any child born in the future needs to have their umbilical cords preserved. I believe every child should have their aura photographed, How much that tells us is open for discussion but the more we have on file, the more we can determine their value.
I believe we need to start looking at children with Downs syndrome as not having just a medical problem but as harbingers of change that is happening in the human genome. The parents of children with Downs syndrome know there is something special about their children and it has nothing to do with false pride over a child born with a mental and physical condition. These children have something to tell us and we need to start listening and studying them in a new light.
There are so many things I can talk about regarding the information I am receiving but I wanted to identify what I believe my role is first. I hope I have done that. The rest of this page, and it is going to end up as big as any book that has ever been written about anything, are all the realizations I am suddenly faced with.
Lets start with a look back at my life which has elements most people will never experience but there are many people who have experienced a lot more than I have to date. I have never climbed a mountain or traveled to space though the latter I would do in a heartbeat. Anything that requires hand eye coordination I excel at though I tend not to stay interested as there are always other things to do.
I was born under very trying circumstances as a preemie in 1937. I was born in Olympia Wa and they had to go to Seattle to get an incubator for me. Not many preemies survived in 1937 and I was a preemie because my mother had suffered peritonitis when what would have been my brother died in her womb, They didn't think my Mother would ever bear another child but I showed up within a year of her septic pregnancy which in 1937 approached miraculous.
I always knew there was something different about me and so did all the other children so I had a difficult time making friends as I was growing up but what friends I did have were very close and we seemed to have a connection I understand now far better than I did then. Fortunately my step father was in the Navy and after the war he was assigned to the Naval underwater training center in Coronado California as the Chief Master of Arms which is a permanent billet and I got to grow up in an ideal environment for any kid. My family life was not ideal which is of no concern to the story I have to tell here.
While I was still in elementary school I discovered I had psychic abilities and I did a few things I felt so guilty about I turned them off. The only time they have manifested themselves since has been in emergency situations. On occasion I can predict the roll of the dice, pick the right domino, or select the right card over and over again. These incidents last no more than a minute and they are accompanied by a feeling but I do not know when they will happen or how long they will last when they do. There have been a few times I have gotten more than just lucky at the race track and in Las Vegas but I don't know when to quit when I am ahead.
For most of my life I always thought I just somehow managed to be in the right place at the right time. My career in the space program is a perfect example. My whole life has been a series of, if I wanted it bad enough, I got it. I have made and spent fortunes, seen the world, been with far too many women and had three bad marriages. When it comes to relationships with the opposite sex I have been damaged goods for most of my adult life. I have also suffered more physical trauma then most people in ski accidents, car accidents and confrontations with other people. I can honestly say I am not the same person since May 9th of 2011.
There was an encounter with a textile cone which is one of the most poisonous creatures on this planet. I was walking the beach and saw the shell lying in the sand. I carefully picked it up (I know how but never do it) and examined it for the animal and there was none. I had no bag so I did probably one of the stupidest things possible and put the shell in my pants pocket. It was noon time so I finished the days work and as normal, I changed shorts to go to dinner. I emptied my pockets and put the cone shell on my bureau and went to dinner. When I returned the shell wasn't on my bureau I looked on the side of the bureau and there was my cone shell with the animal exposed in its full glory, its poisonous barb intact. I was so terrified I thought my heart was going to stop beating even though I was not in danger. I have no idea how that animal stayed in my pocket for 6 hours without feeling any sense of danger. Had I been stung I wouldn't have survived. I mention this because the textile cone is a perfect study when it comes to chaos. The pattern on its shell is chaotically determined and no two shells are anything alike though they appear to be alike until closely examined. They are a unique form of predator. Most snails are food sources. These want fish to notice them and it is the fish that becomes the meal. Chaos was in control when that animal was in my pocket. I have no idea why I got away Scot free with the worst scare of my life. I sure as hell was not listening to the message. Maybe the cone shell was.
I mention the above because it is a great story and because it is the only time in my life I have felt fear. I have felt anxiety many times but only once have I experienced fear other than the rush I once got from drinking too much green tea and that was not the same at all. I bring this up because indigo people do not display fear as others do and, after drug sensitivity, it is the strongest indicator you may have an indigo child living with you. I do not recommend you deliberately try and scare the crap out of your child but observe how they handle what would be fearful or emergency situations. People solely focused on self suffer high degrees of anxiety and fear when they are not in control. An indigo will do just the opposite.
I have gone into more details about some of the characteristics of being an indigo in order to help anyone reading this both understand what it is to be indigo and how to identify if a person is a full blown indigo. Every advanced life form in the universe is getting the message. In order to receive it they have to have some of the capabilities of any indigo. Said another way, everyone has some indigo traits. What we need to is to be able to select those who are the messengers so we do not mess them up by trying to squeeze round pegs into square holes.
Two of the major factors in the indigo person are hypersensitivity to manipulation and non conformity. Non conformity in itself is not a strong indicator a person is indigo. Coupled with hypersensitivity to manipulation it is a huge factor. For most people, not all manipulation is bad. Those that intervene in the life of alcoholics and drug abusers are manipulating them in order to save their lives. If an indigo goes astray they go completely overboard and they and the people who love them have a huge mess on their hands because they despise being manipulated. It will require extreme measures to get the drugs and alcohol out of their systems, but once they have, they will recover much faster than those that are not indigo provided they understand why they were driven to substance abuse to begin with. The indigo is prone to horrible hangovers and bad drug reactions because of their hypersensitivity so things have to be totally messed up for them to become addicted to anything.
The thing is, it doesn't just benefit indigo's if we all work on reducing the amount of manipulation in our lives be we the ones manipulating or be we the victims of other people manipulating us. Let's take little Johnny and put him in a no win situation. Young children are chaotic by nature. Their world ends at the tip of their nose and that is as it should be. They have to learn to conform which is their first exposure to order being brought to chaos. Discipline needs to be taught in that light. You don't get what you want if it causes chaos. I wish everyone would start telling young people that is why they need to conform. It is their job to bring order to chaos not add to it.
If you tell little Johnny he is being bad, he ends up relating bad to what he wants and he starts seeing a connection between being bad and getting attention. You don't want to go there especially with a child that hates manipulation. Going to time out, or their room or whatever disciplinary path a parent chooses should only be done in order to isolate the child that is causing chaos. They are not being punished for being bad, they are being punished for adding to chaos. Everyone of us is getting the message. At some level we all know we are alive so we can bring order to chaos. By structuring discipline around chaos you are attuning your actions to their spirit as well as their conscious mind and you gain a huge ally in raising your child. It is why time out works so reinforce the order sitting in the time out chair brings. They are being isolated because of disruptive behavior that causes problems for others not because they are bad. It is a fine point but a very important one. The message is not about being good, it's about bringing order to chaos. Good is a filter we have established and we need to rid ourselves of it.
That brings up the greatest manipulation people use on children, reward. Once again not all reward is bad. There should always be rewards for accomplishments. They are extremely important as long as they don't get cheapened. Giving every child on the team a reward for being on the team was and is a terrible mistake. Far better there be no reward at all if everyone gets one. There should never be a reward promised for good behavior. That is manipulation at its worst because it sits little Johnny up for failure. The old, "If your good we'll get ice cream later!" isn't much better than water boarding.
Little Johnny may spend the next two hours being the nicest kid around until his sibling runs into his room, grabs one of his toys and runs shrieking down the hall hysterically. Shrieks of joy are replaced with shrieks of pain and you run to the rescue and little Johnny gets disciplined and he gets no ice cream. That is called double jeopardy in a court of law and we let murderers go that have been subjected to it. Why would you ever do it to your own child?
Don't promise anything good or bad. If you promise a child he or she will be disciplined for bad behavior you are telling them, "I know you can''t behave!" If Little Johnny behaves all day and is still behaving when you get to the ice cream place, please buy him that ice cream and please tell him he is getting it because he behaved all day. That is an accomplishment. Never never make a child a promise you can't keep especially when that promise is dependent on their behavior. You are not going to enjoy your child's teen age years if you do a lot of it. Keep manipulation to a minimum and all children will be a lot happier regardless of their genetic alignment.
I have some additional thoughts on chaos I find interesting. Our prime function is to bring order to chaos. That is cast in stone. There are two ways to do that, eliminate chaos or control it. Our sun would not support life on this planet without chaos. Luckily for us the laws of physics keep our sun under control and will for a long time to come.
One of the things the message has told me is non congruency comes in two states. I had some problem understanding what that meant until I realized that non congruent math must be used when one addresses chaos that is not controlled. I have no doubt some math whizzes are saying, "Non Congruent math! What the hell is he talking about?" I think it may explain anti-matter but I don't have the skills to pursue the math.
Turns out controlled chaos also comes in two states. Chaos can be controlled in order to reduce chaos or it can be controlled to create more chaos. The fact that it is controlled means the laws of physics are in effect. When the universe happened a lot of chaos became controlled from the outset with the start of time being the prime factor. Life happened so the job gets completed. We are here to fine tune the process.
When I talk of chaos at a philosophical level I do not separate human chaos which we call mayhem from natural chaos. I should and I think I understand the reason why I did not when I originally wrote this section. I explain the reason in the section of this blog I call mayhem. I debated rewriting this entire blog, ensuring I identified mayhem from chaos. I have chosen to leave it as it is because it drives home my point regarding how we all unconsciously excuse human behavior by referring to it as chaotic when members of our species do horrific deeds. In general the role of all advanced lifeforms in this universe is to bring order to all chaos be it mayhem or chaos.
The significance to all this is things like war are governed by mathematics like everything else in the universe. Said another way, we can use mathematics to determine if it is in our best interest to go to war. When nations enter into the chaotic state known as war I doubt any mathematician is going to convince either side to capitulate if the math doesn't work out in their favor but it might get a nation to think before letting loose all that chaos.
Most of you reading this know how the war with Japan came to an end. The United States dropped the only two nuclear weapons they had and the Japanese surrendered rather than risk whether they had more. The thing is their nuclear weapons weren't the only ax they could bring to bear. The Japanese were just as frightened of the Russians as they were the nuclear weapons and the Russians would have had the stomach for a land war in Japan. The United States was tired of war. All we have to do is look at Germany and how long it took to recover as compared to Japan to understand why no one would want to split their country up. No one had a crystal ball but the Japanese knew what their future would be under Russian rule. It turned out dropping the nuclear weapons was less chaotic than the land war would have been. The death toll from a Russian invasion would have been magnitudes higher than the death toll from the two nuclear weapons. Even so, the death toll was terrible and diseases from radiation still plague the Japanese people. The lesson here is always put the job of bringing order to chaos first and we won't fight world wars. The unanswered question in this case is, "Would the Japanese have surrendered if the United States didn't drop the bombs?" If someone had done the math on both sides, maybe the tragedy could have been avoided. There is nothing to gain now from proving it either way. All we can do now is try and learn from history and dedicate ourselves to bringing more order to chaos.
Chaos comes in many forms natural disaster, disease, war, famine, substance abuse, violence and recklessness are a few examples everyone agrees on. There are other forms many if not most people will disagree on. The reason, they provide some order and individuals, nations and organizations believe they have something to gain by implementing them. The consequence is solutions that would prove to be less chaotic never see the light of day because some would lose what they perceive to be benefits should they allow other possibilities to exist.
Some examples are profit, religion and politics. I can prove they are all chaotic and anyone who takes the time to analyze any of them will agree. I call all of them chaos behind the curtain because, on the surface they appear to be order, and most of those who practice any of them sincerely see them as order. So much so they are willing to go to almost any extreme to protect the concept. Those extremes result in chaos.
The world is currently undergoing a deep recession and reasons are tossed about like leaves in the wind while the real problem chaos continues to fester. The world's financial institutions and governments are in chaos because of the excesses that have happened under the guise of profit. Leadership fails because leadership also promotes chaos but leadership has to exist because so many people turn their back on the message and do little or nothing to bring order to chaos. It is that simple
Everyone is getting the message but way too many people refuse to or can't listen to it. Whatever your belief system is, everyone will hear it soon whether they want to or not. The messengers are here and some of us are about to go to work.
All we ask is that you take an active role in removing chaos from your life to the best of your ability. If that sounds good to you, you have been listening to the message but you are no doubt filtering a lot of it. We can all start by picking the less chaotic solution to those things we encounter in our day to day life be they our job, our family, our friends, our customers or someone we meet in public.
Of all the possibilities in any decision, one of them is the least chaotic. There is very good chance it isn't the one you want to pick but it will be obvious it is the least chaotic, All anyone of us has to do is accept the least chaotic solution and put it into action. If you do you will be in tune with your spirit or energy which is constantly receiving the message and there is a peace that comes with bringing order to chaos that will surpass any gain you thought you may have had, had you picked the more chaotic way.
If it only involves you, pick the solution that is the least chaotic to you. If it involves your family, pick the solution that is the least chaotic to everyone by recognizing it will be more chaotic to some than others. Since you are now focused on bringing order to chaos you will find a way to explain it to those who will be experiencing the most chaos. After yourself and family, bring order to your friends, your work place, your community, your nation and ultimately the world, all to the best of your ability. Not many of us will get the opportunity to eliminate or control chaos at the global level but we all need to do what we can when we can.
Time spent being under the control of chaos is wasted time and a waste of energy. Once we get a handle on the chaos we cause, solving problems like natural disasters, disease, hunger and a plethora of other problems, will all become doable because we won't be wasting all that energy promoting chaos in our world.
No doubt many of you are shaking your heads when I say profit leads to chaos. Unfortunately more often than not it does, but profit also supports ideas and activities of value that play a major role in bringing order to chaos and it is no coincidence that the people who have done the most in this world to bring order to chaos are among the most wealthy.
Wealth is not always measured in money. Some of the greatest people of our time are wealthy in spirit even though they suffered greatly at times in their lives. People like Ghandi and Martin Luther King were not poor financially but money as a symbol of power and status meant very little to them. The sometimes wealthiest man in the world made his fortune bringing order to chaos. His computer and software expertise changed the world and today he is putting massive anounts of his fortune into helping those who need help. Most know him but for those who don't his name is Bill Gates. One of the wealthiest women in the world rose from poverty by taking care of other people which is another way of saying bringing order to chaos. her name is Oprah Winfrey.
On an individual level religious and spiritual practices have brought more order to chaos than all of our species other accomplishments but, in the organized form, they too often succumb to chaos and nothing could be more tragic. That which opens our minds to our spiritual or energy essence gets twisted and is used against us when we are at our most vulnerable and, the biggest step we could take in bringing order to chaos, would be to remove chaos from all our religions. We could do that in the next 24 hours if we all put our minds into it.
I realize I am jumping all over the place and I will have to spend a lot of time organizing my realizations should they ever attain book form but I am writing my thoughts as they materialize. I need to explain the process in greater detail. In the past I would do as I believe most people do which is ponder any decision or situation they are faced with. Sometimes I would play out scenarios where I would say or do something and someone or something would result which would determine what happened next. I learned years ago that the rehearsals seldom worked out the way reality does and I started basing my actions on what I felt and observed. That worked a lot better and I recommend it as an approach providing you are not aware you are channeling energy.
Once you become aware you are channeling energy the whole process changes. There either is an answer or there isn't. You only need to ask the question once if there is a question to be asked. When I am keenly aware I am channeling energy there is very little thought involved other than analyzing how the energy is being presented.
If I had questions prior to actively channeling I either know an answer afterwards or I know enough to go look for an answer. If there are no outstanding questions new subjects become conscious thought. The new thoughts come with enough information to instantly transcribe or there may only be enough information to facilitate my doing research into the subject. I no longer ponder anything regarding my day to day life, my existence, the purpose of life, what the future holds, etc, etc etc.
Not all questions are answered. For example, what happens to life and the universe after it changes state. No idea but I don't dwell on it. Some questions may go days or even weeks before an answer or some knowledge presents itself. The thing is there is not one conscious thought in my mind regarding the answer until the new information presents itself. Many other questions and answers have come and been written down and the new information simply materializes in my conscious mind.
The information I am getting can be about literally anything. I hope to show anyone reading this I am not making this stuff up. These realizations are being recorded on the fly. If anyone has an explanation how all this could be happening or why, I would sure love to hear it. I believe I know why it is happening, hell I am sure I know why it's happening but I welcome any and all challenges.
I take any new information as gospel because I have not seen any evidence that all that I have said is not possible. When I originally compiled the message I didn't question it and new information has never conflicted with any information prior to it. new information does expand on it. For example, the role of life is to bring order to chaos. That is cast in stone. Chaos can either be eliminated or controlled. That is cast in stone. I recently received new information on another option regarding how chaos is either eliminated or controlled.
Life in it's simplest form removes energy from chaos. Said another way, the energy that exists in the simplest life forms is no longer chaotic. A lion kills a zebra for food. The zebra's energy combines with the lions energy. Energy that is not used is passed on as waste. The energy in the lions waste combines with the energy of other life forms. If our sun were to suddenly explode most of the energy that has been removed from chaos on this planet will be returned to chaos but it is a big universe, Some of it may survive in the simplest of life forms and go on to initiate life on another planet somewhere in the universe.
Advanced life forms attain individuality. Their energy attains individuality. Once non chaotic energy attains individuality it exists as long as the universe exists. It cannot be returned to chaos. It's purpose is to remove or control chaos until order has been established. Some day I and everyone of you reading this will know why. For now, there is no reason we need to know why. Whether you want to or not, you bring order to chaos simply by existing. If you want to enjoy life in physical form, we are tasked with ridding the universe of as much chaos as we can. We sure as hell are not here to add to chaos. At any crossroad in life there is always a less chaotic way. It is yours to choose.
The message is for everybody but most are filtering the message, not consciously. Most of the filters we have were established as children. The irony is, once the filtering starts, the tendency is to replace one filter with another should something happen that changes our lives. The atheist turns to religion, the religious person turns to atheism, we exchange one political viewpoint for another and the message stays filtered.
Most of us discover our spiritual side and some of us become attuned to our own energy and the energy of others. The following paragraphs are directed at those who are attuned. There is no litmus tests here. Anyone who is attuned to the energy in our universe, no matter the source, has no doubt they are. Most who are reach out to others who are not as attuned. This blog is the start of my reaching out. We are all in the process of bringing order to chaos whether we recognize it or not. We all could do so much more if we could minimize our filtering. My blog, I believe, is a prime example of what can happen if a person can push their filters aside.
Pushing aside filters is far easier said than done and I have only one tool to share. Most of you know the calm that comes with focusing on white light. Even those who are not attuned can find calm if they focus on white light. I am a pilot and I love to fly but, for years, I would be frightened when I traveled on commercial flights. I had just returned from a flight and had to rush to an event I had a date at that turned out to be a spiritual fair. To humor my girl friend who asked me to get a reading, I did. That was my first encounter with the mystical and I wish I had gotten the young ladies name who did my reading. The first thing she said to me was I should be doing the reading and not her. She then asked if I had just taken a trip and had been frightened and I told her I had. She said the next time that happens just imagine yourself surrounded by white light. I did and it worked. I later figured out that it wasn't my fear that was scaring me, it was the fear of those around me. I have no idea why I felt no connection to my spirit or energy after my reading but apparently I wasn't ready yet
One reason I filter less than others is I was a Deist going in and I am still a Deist though I am far more aware of my own spirit and energy than I have ever been. My deism no doubt is not as strong a filter as the one that comes with the convictions of a religious belief that hinges on an interrelationship with God. The new ager's I have met do not forsake their faith but they do modify it in order to adapt it to their new age concepts. Doing so reduces their faiths filter effect. Unfortunately for many, they gain a new filter in the process. This puzzles me because they are a lot more attuned to their and the universe's energy.
A person may be a devout religious person when the awareness of their spirit guides them toward new age philosophy, theology or theosophy but most will retain their faith. They simply add to it. They will certainly understand components of their faith far more than they did before they became attuned. I specifically want readers, mediums, psychics, astrologists, numerologists, card readers and all those who are drawn to the mystical and paranormal sciences to seriously consider what I am about to say.
All of you have taken a huge step. You are attuned. Your sensitivity to the message and the energy of others is at a level that can only be understood by those who share the ability. You are not threatened by those that belittle your abilities but you are annoyed at their attitude(s). Because of your filters you may not know why. I will tell you why. All of us that are attuned are one step closer to bringing order to chaos. We desperately want to bring order to the chaos of all those who seek our counsel. We get annoyed when people place needless obstacles in our path. If what I have just said strikes a chord, please try and turn down you filters.
You took the first step when you became attuned to your energy and the energy of the universe. You took the second step when you followed your energy or the energy of your spirit guide that led you into your choice of service. You adapted the filters you brought with you to facilitate your new life. You have the tools. You can step to the next plane. All you have to do is lower your filters. I do not know if you will begin to experience indigo light. I believe a unique set of circumstances made me aware of the energy I am channeling but I believe everyone can attune to the message once they are attuned to their energy and/or the energy of the universe. The message tells me so. All of you have made the first two steps. Please try taking the third and if you do start to experience indigo light please contact me. I am feeling a little lonely out here.
I talk about filters a lot and it just dawned on me many of you may not realize how persuasive they are. Here are a couple of examples. If a born again Christian was to read what I have written and I had, where context dictated, used the words evil, sin or the devil for chaos, they may have read more of what I have written then they probably did. If we take that further and replace the words order and universe with the words God, Jesus, the Holy Ghost or love they would have read even more. Replace the word evolution with the word creation and then replace the word energy with soul or holy spirit and they may have started following me from town to town as I spread the message. Yes I exaggerated to make a point. Pick any religion and replace the same words with their equivalents. That is filtering.
Those who follow new age teachings or eastern religions have no need to replace as many words as those who are devout followers of other beliefs. The only filters they have to deal with are the ones that draw too much attention to individuality and the promotion of self above all else. Those of you who are attuned to your energy and the energy of the universe are my brothers and sisters. You may have found peace and you may be in total harmony and that is a wonderful thing but our species is not in harmony and we do little or nothing to bring order to the chaos that results in the massive suffering of so many people.
I can understand it when those who are not attuned throw their hands up in helplessness when natural disaster strikes but we know we can do something about it and not one of us has the right to totally rejoice in the harmony we feel until we have done our job and eliminated or brought order to the environment we all share and the lives of all people on this planet to the best of our ability. We know we will have to live more lives on this planet and I and the message are telling you, we are all going to be living on this planet or on another one until all chaos is eliminated or controlled in the universe. When that day happens we all go to the place some of us have seen and, though I know nothing about it, it is so far beyond anything that I have ever felt or witnessed I simply cannot find the words to describe it. By now, it should be highly obvious to anyone, I have no problem finding words for everything else.
The hard part is determining what is the best of your ability? That is a hard question to answer. All I can say is, if your not filtering the answer will become obvious but I say this knowing I am still filtering the message because I know I cannot do the job to the best of my ability though I want to. I honestly believe our filters are for each of us to figure out. Please consult with God, the universe, your alter ego or your Atman for help with the answer. I believe it is next to impossible to grow from childhood to adulthood and not acquire filters. I believe we can consciously turn them down but will never turn them off in our current physical life. As our species evolves we will have less and less filters to deal with.
If one is going to make predictions, one needs to have signs that foretell of the forthcoming prediction. That has been true since Nostradamus. One has to keep in mind there is a huge difference between predictions and prophecies. Both use signs but prophecies are specific and divine. If you are going to make one you had better make sure you have the date right.
Predictions are based on events, usually current and they forecast what the future may hold if in fact the observations of current events are accurate. Some may argue with that definition but that is what I mean by prediction. I say this because my stating the universe will change state once we have brought order to chaos is a prediction. I have already outlined the signs that deal with our changing genome. The facts Indigo's and Crystalline's are being born is another. The fact more people than ever are seeking to connect with their spirituality is another.
I would like to believe Shoemaker-Levy impacting Jupiter was another but that was a wake up call. How we can witness a comet strike a planet and not be concerned about the future of our planet totally escapes me. Add to that the studies that show there are at least 1500 asteroids 1km or larger crossing the earth's orbit and 135,000 more 100 meters or larger and it becomes a matter of when not if we will experience a large impact. What makes this even more tragic is we have the technology to do something about it even if we don't have much warning and no one seems to care. The only sign here is stupidity.
There are other signs but I want to focus on one that predicts the arrival of the ones I call the doers. We call our current day versions super heroes. No they are not real yet.My mind relates super heroes with doers. No I don't see a lot of people running around in spandex but there is an aura about them which I believe will be visible. Isn't it almost visible with the crystal children?
When I started doing research on our caped crusaders I instantly thought of Superman and, depending on how one wants to define superhero, I was right on. He was the first to have real super powers. He appeared in 1938, a year after I was born. My parents did not find me in a corn field but the man of steel was already grown by then and had a job as a mild mannered reporter. He had predecessors, the Shadow, Mandrake the magician and The Phantom were the most famous. The Phantom wore purple and was always one of my favorites. None of them had real super powers other than being very super clever.
One can go back to the Greek and Roman Gods but they were Gods. Modern day superheroes are not Gods. So I shall stick with Superman as being the first. All of this would have no significance if our enjoyment of their activities had stayed on the funny pages, in comic books, and ultimately the movies after our graphic arts skills could really bring them to life. They are a sign because A, they are not losing popularity and B combined with all the other other trends in literature, the arts, music, and theater mostly but not all cinematic they are a sign mankind is aware of both the need of those that can save the day as well the fact they are coming. Take a look at all the books, movies, television, art, music that are focused on superheroes and predictions of the return of religious figures and the trend becomes obvious.
Couple with that the fact, newer heroes appear to be no different than all of us. One very popular TV show went right to the point and was called Heroes and it was based on the alteration of the human genome. Now where have I heard that before? Think of all the super heroes and villains who were a product of genetic alteration. They didn't have to be. Writers and movie makers have their entire imagination at their disposal. There is no real reason to use the same theme over and over again unless they are listening to the same message I am.
I am going to have to also post this into my running blog on seeing dead people which has morphed into my journey as an indigo. The path to enlightenment comes with a few specific instructions but, for the bulk of the journey, we all must travel alone so one is always torn between what can be said so others may learn on their own. It is a unique journey for every individual. My journey is unique because of the circumstances surrounding what set me on the path. Most do not vocalize their path. Some are compelled to. I am one of them.
It is not ego though it can certainly look like ego. It is up to those who read all I write to make that determination. All I ask is please wait until I have finished writing before making up your mind. I am telling this as I go and my observations change with the more information I gain no matter the source. I will know when I am done writing. I am not there yet.
Many have documented their journey and knowledge before me. No doubt, many more will do so in the future. With the advent of electronic networking no one has to be silent unless they choose to be. If the conflict in the middle east teaches us anything, it should be obvious by now, no one can any longer deny the spread of information to all people.
I have new information involving my ability to see indigo light. The medical procedure I underwent was the miracle that made the light visible but it was the suffering from Trigeminial Neuralgia that made it happen. The path to enlightenment is followed via meditation. There are many ways to meditate but the primary object is one has to clear their conscious mind and follow the path. Many teachings admonish us about the words of our fellow man and one must be cautious when seeking the counsel of others regrading meditation. One point is not disputable, clearing ones mind is essential to the process.
The pain associated with my condition was akin to the most diabolical forms of torture one can conceive. The difference is, telling everything you know doesn't make it stop. In my case the mind altering drugs they prescribed to alleviate the pain caused serious side effects bordering on the psychotic and/or severe depression. I had terrible side effects to pain killer medications primarily because of the dosage levels required. The only relief I found started with acupuncture. From acupuncture I started to meditate but I had no idea that is what I was doing. I developed the ability to separate the pain from my body or my body from the pain and there is a difference.
The focus was the pain not spiritual enlightenment but meditation leads to spiritual enlightenment and that was what was happening. It explains my interest in reincarnation. I have been curious about many things in my life but I had never spent that much time researching a topic and writing about it simply out of curiosity. I was experiencing horrible bouts with pain while I was writing my blog on reincarnation but I persevered and researched and wrote it anyway. I was connecting to my energy.
The surgery I underwent in October of 2010 took away the pain and it may have damaged one of the nerve paths in my brain stem but I not as sure of that as much I used to be. With the pain gone I stared seeing indigo light in low light conditions and when I had my eyes closed in incandescently lit rooms. There was another thing I quickly noticed. If I started thinking about anything but the indigo light it would disappear. It has finally dawned on me that what is happening is I can enter into a very deep state of meditation instantly at any time simply by looking at the indigo light no matter what the source and the sources do change. That is why I am getting the knowledge I have been getting. Pretty basic and the process is well documented in many sources. Speaking of sources, there is only one source for knowledge. It is immaterial what you believe that source is.
I believe the indigo light is the wavelength of the energy source we all receive. I believe we can prove that if we do some research. Anyone involved in any sort of paranormal research needs to use tools that use violet and near ultraviolet light where they can. I know many spook chasers are using infra red instruments, They are wasting their times. All that you seek is at the other end of the visible spectrum.
When conditions are right and I have something to learn, the energy of those currently not in physical form becomes blatantly obvious. If you are not enlightened , I do not know if you can see them no matter what gimmicks we use. Anyone who is enlightened and, those that are have no doubt they are, needs to get a black light if they want to be one with the energies of those between physical bodies or ones that choose to be here. The journey ends at the the destination the second one is ready and decides that is what they want.
Remember they are energy and only your energy can communicate with them. I believe your energy can share the communication with others in any number of ways and that manifests itself in the mediums and readers who have reached a higher state of enlightenment.
Life and Death
Have you ever wondered why we focus all our attention on death and pay little heed to the fact we even exist to begin with? Both are equally mysterious yet the religions of the world along with the philosophies ignore our existence and focus almost exclusively on the end of our existence. Is there one person on this planet who can state emphatically. "I asked to be born"? No matter what your beliefs are, death is obvious. Life is the biggest mystery of the two and yet the most devout of people focus on the end of the journey rather than the beginning.
Using simple logic, if you don't understand the beginning how in hell will you ever understand the end? Science tries to study both but empirical data is hard to come by due to the influence of philosophy and theology. No matter what you believe. it is an amazing journey which we find ourselves involved with. Some religions still attempt to teach a creationist theory when the evidence is overwhelming that life evolved. Very few people disagree with life evolving. The arguments start when we discuss human life.
Creationism requires a supreme being or God with the ability to pull off creating our species out of whatever the supreme being chooses. Part of the reason many creationists find themselves stuck with a new earth or even a new universe model is due to trying to explain why so many billion years were required to prepare a home for this God inspired creature we are supposed to be. If we are the reason for the universe existing why go to such a time consuming process to set the stage for our existence? They can offer no explanation so they are forced to dispute all the overwhelming evidence that the universe and this planet are billions of years old.
More people of faith are starting to accept the obvious, we evolved as all life forms have evolved and theistic evolution is rapidly becoming the mainstay of all those who believe in a creator. Keep in mind the topic here is life and death not religion though the two will always be joined at the hip.
For all intents and purposes life started when the universe happened. The dynamics in the beginning were far too severe for any living organism to make an appearance but all the raw materials and the course of action needed for life to happen was set in motion in the first 1E-35 seconds of the universe's existence along with all the laws of nature that are and we are currently aware of. For those who do not know the notation, that is a decimal point followed by 34 zeros before the first number which is always a 1.
In this infinitesimally small unit of time a universe happened and if one chooses to believe in a higher power, a God happened. We can speculate until the cows come home on what existed before the big bang but it is only pure conjecture with the exception of a very few extremely small mathematical windows. No other event comes closer to defining the existence of God then the start of our universe. Everything after 1E-35 seconds is, for now, a matter of faith.
There are theories on how life came from non-living matter with the most widely accepted one based on protein molecules and lightning. Mankind has not been able to accomplish the creation of a reproducing form of life in a laboratory environment. Until we do, the creation of life is solely under the providence of a supreme power which has to be taken on faith. if we do create life, that will not disprove the existence of God, it will simply show the method God used for those who choose to believe in God.
The general consensus on evolution is life evolves via natural selection and lifeforms that cannot adapt will go extinct. It is the reason why simple lifeforms become more complex. The problem is there are exceptions, the main one being viruses. It is a life form (some say no) that exists under extreme conditions but the vast majority of life on this planet, and we can assume for the rest of the universe, is not related to any virus. Viruses are composed of RNA while all other lifeforms are composed of DNA. Viruses do not have to adapt to the environment, the rest of life does. Having to adapt results in evolving complex life forms.
Our species sits at the top of the ladder on this planet and anyone who has studied this paradigm should be asking themselves, What's next?
What's next is purely hypothetical at this point. We are on pretty solid ground when we say any changes will come via the human genome. I introduced my hypothesis on the cover page of this blog. Changes via adaptation of our genome are relatively slow being implemented. For centuries the process has kept up and, in some cases, genetic changes have been the adaptation our species needed to further evolve. Two of our chromosome pairs conjoining, separating us from our cousins the chimpanzees, is a prime example.
If you have been paying attention you have noticed that, to this point, all I have discussed is life. I am not through commenting on life. This is a very good place to talk about death as a final state for the individual as all the above is about life in general and mankind as a species. If all we are is a species of life, death of the individual is plain and simple a matter of fact. The evolutionary process, as we currently understand it, does not require any living creature to exist beyond a normal life span. All any creature needs to do is procreate and carry forward the seeds of adaptation. If we stop right here every skeptic and atheist is right, There is no supernatural and there is no God but we can't stop here for two very good reasons.
For the first reason, let's look at the virus, the only living entity that can exist under almost any condition. Every individual virus of any class is exactly the same. That is in fact how they survive. They all need a DNA host and because they are identical they can get the cells of a DNA based entity to replicate their kind. Their survival is not dependent on a DNA based species but their procreation is.
The one thing those who study evolution overlook is, as a life form adapts and becomes more complex, a state of individuality happens. What totally separates mankind from our closest cousin the chimpanzee (Our DNA is almost compatible enough to have each others children and might be if chimpanzees had 23 chromosome pairs instead of 24) is our individuality.
Our individuality is a rather recent development in our evolution. It is so recent that we unconsciously seek out beliefs that deny our individuality. That is the reason why we practice religious customs, separate into countries, adapt different political beliefs and customs that seek to homogenize our species. We long for the simplicity of life our chimpanzee cousins enjoy when we leave them alone. We struggle between pursuing our individuality and our desire to be one of the tribe or family.
The second reason is the rate of adaptation has reached a point where physical evolution cannot keep up. If the law of natural selection states that a living entity has to become more complex to adapt to a changing environment, it only stands to reason that entity is going to evolve to a point where it starts adapting the environment to itself and mankind started doing that when we learned how to use fire. Air conditioning took a lot longer to figure out.
We will ultimately control the weather and we will control earthquakes and other natural phenomena that threaten us and the abilities to do so are not going to take very long to discover. If we were not investing so much of our resources in fighting wars, I believe we would have harnessed the weather by now.
Individuality in a structured society will become more prevalent and our rate of adaptation will continue to accelerate. If both do not, our species will become extinct. Here is where I need to make an emphatic point. It does not matter whether there is a God involved or it is nothing more than the laws of natural science, the process is the same. The end result is going to be the same. The game was put into play when the universe exploded into existence. Everyone needs to stop speculating and start paying attention to the game being played.
So how does this species made up of rapidly evolving individuals continue to evolve and adapt at higher and higher rates? The answer does not lie in physical evolution. There is only one possibility, other than self extinction which means all life is nothing more than a huge example of the peter principle, we have to look to the energy side of existence.
Every thought we think, everything we sense is all due to energy and energy accomplishes wonders beyond most peoples mathematical skills and imagination. There are two possible solutions to existence in energy form. In one case our species evolved the ability to exist in energy form either conjoined with a physical body or separate from any physical body. In the second case we are an eternal energy that has existed since the universe was created and we conjoin with any species that has evolved to the point we can connect to their physical body. I tend to believe the former rather than the latter. There is a third possibility that our energy could evolve to a higher plane capable of becoming the latter. It is all up to conjecture.
I do not believe our existence in energy form is up to conjecture. It is the only logical explanation for a species to be able to evolve at the rapid rate needed and it is completely possible based on the laws of physics as we currently understand them. I refer to our energy form as spirit which I will be addressing in another section of this blog,
Let's revisit death. If we exist in spirit form death is nothing more than a transition. Reincarnation is a logical extension of existence in spirit form. Some of you will ask what about heaven? I have had a brief glimpse of heaven myself but heaven is the end of the journey and I believe it is the end of the journey for everyone and that happens at the same time. It happens at the same time because, in energy form, there is no awareness of time unless we are somehow connected to a life form. There are many possibilities which is another discussion.
Some of you are asking why reincarnation? Why not just keep cranking out new spirits? There are some very logical reasons for reincarnation. The first reason is our brain and brain stem are perfectly structured to support interfacing to a spirit that needs to come and go. I am working on new information regarding the spirit and our brain. Second, part of evolving rapidly is being able to pass ability and knowledge from one life to the next. Third, experiencing life as both genders, every ethnicity, every nationality and recognized social and political group greatly enhances mankind evolving individuality with compassion. Fourth, we have no physical capability in energy form. The only way to get things done is in physical form and as we learn we will develop more and more skills and practices. Fifth, in energy form we will one day be able to travel to the stars and clear across the universe. It is the ultimate in suspended animation.
In religion we call it faith. In science we call it conjecture. Either way the key to unlocking this mystery is discovering we have a spirit and proving it exists for those who have yet to discover their spirit. Those of us who have discovered our spirit have no doubt we have one but all of us would understand our spirits better if we had knowledge of how it all blended together.
In the end death never is the issue even though we totally focus on it. It is life that is important and far too many people live theirs with very little compassion for others in spite of all the religions and belief systems we have. The difference seems to be whether a person ever connects with their spirit and that in itself lends a lot of creditability to our spirit existing.
Medical Science
Before I get started I want to make one point perfectly clear, every form of healing practiced is legitimate. There are people who work in every form of healing practiced that are not legitimate. The first rule of any healer is do no harm. The second rule of any healer is do NOT make excessive profit. Anyone who seeks a healer of any sort can never forget that healers who break rule two always break rule one. No matter how sick you may be those who break rule two are obvious and you can forget rule one exists.
The main warning flag is how important is the money. If you are concerned seek a second opinion and inform the healer that is what you want to do. Healers that care about rule one will not only tell you to seek a second opinion, they will advise you where to look. Use an independent source if you are not sure.
I am getting a lot of information on medical science. I have researched most of it as far as I can. It is not my discipline.I believe the information is important enough to add this section to this blog. I hope those that have the training take the time to review the following information. Some of this will be technical and some won't. In cases where the information applies to all of us in regards to our current health, I will keep it as nontechnical as I can.
The first involves the human genome. I go into this in detail in other places in my blog but the short version is the human genome is in the process of conjoining chromosomes 21 and 22 so a new 22 can have the same characteristics as chromosome pair 23. The indicators are the increases in trisomy in chromosome pairs 21 and 23. This process appears to be accelerating.
In case you don;t know we have mapped the human genome. The impact this will have on medical science is almost beyond our imaginations. Any child born to day needs to have their DNA mapped and they need to have their umbilical cords preserved for future harvesting in cases of illness and physical trauma. Insurance companies should encourage this as it will dramatically reduce costs in the future. New organs will be grown from the stem cells in umbilical cords. Governments need to encourage and even consider mandatory programs if the general population fails to see or acknowledge the benefits.
On the average, no one disputes a person needs a medical professional when they are seriously injured in a disaster or accident. There are exceptions and practically all exceptions involve a religious belief. Society cannot help these people and we should not mourn their loss. The tragedy is the loss felt by friends and family and in that regard we do need to address the problem. Anyone who feels God is going to intervene in their behalf should seriously take the time to pray or meditate regarding why God didn't prevent the mishap to begin with? Prayer and beliefs are not substitutes for stupidity.
Medical science is involved in a massive amount of research when it comes to plagues, viral and bacterial infections and neurological disorders. Mistakes are made but the successes far outweigh the mistakes. Polio and smallpox are almost nonexistent in modern day society. Smallpox would be if we didn't have cultures that are maintained in experimental labs for research purposes. Steps have been taken to protect society should anyone try and introduce it back into the population. The World Health Organization (WHO) is on track to eliminate polio from the face of the earth in most of our lifetimes.
There are those who fear vaccination programs and, in most cases, their fears are unwarranted. Air, food and water born illnesses caused by either bacteria or viruses will not respond to alternative medicines so a persons only protection is the vaccinations that have been developed. The risk is a persons personal choice but children cannot make decisions for themselves and it can border on criminal when parents do not protect their children from debilitating if not fatal illnesses. My advice to those who are fearful is wait until others have been vaccinated. If there is no outbreak of reactions you then have to weigh the health risks. Influenza has killed millions of people in past epidemics. Some diseases may scar your children or lead to other potential diseases. Some may resolve themselves naturally. If you are going to deny your child a vaccine educate yourself on the disease you are going to be exposing your child too
Neurological diseases are the least understood of the afflictions that plague mankind. Diet, exposure to chemicals, allergens, parasites, other organisms and unknown causes all play a part. Certainly genetics play a part. Holistic and natural healing influence these diseases along with a plethora of medicines designed to treat them. Meditation and prayer influence them but there is a common factor. Once these conditions have progressed to their advanced states nothing works.
These diseases are ones we could treat far more effectively if we had the ability to detect our spirits. It is my hypothesis that, in the final stages, of all the different neurological diseases or disorders, the spirit leaves the physical body before the physical body ultimately expires. In some cases there can be years between the two. If we could detect the transition and knew the persons spirit was no longer present, we could let the physical body go with a clear conscience. If everyone, who suffers from any of these conditions, knew we could, with 100 percent certainty, detect their spirit leaving the body, I do believe the vast majority would chose to let their physical bodies go.
There are literally thousands of neurological disorders with some of them manifesting as disease but most do not. Medical science becomes so frustrated in many cases it starts classifying them as a medical conditions in order to prescribe across the board medications and treatment procedures. Take the subject of back pain. Patients spend years looking for solutions and both doctors and the patients become so frustrated they even resort to surgical procedures when there is no concrete evidence there is an abnormality present. Sometimes the surgery works and others are encouraged to try and the result is more pain instead of less.
The only thing that is ever going to cure diseases like Alzheimers, MLS, ALCS and Parkinsons, to name the major ones, is medical research. There are many different treatments in all forms of medicine that can slow the progress of these diseases. There are no treatments that can reverse or stop these diseases from progressing. Meditation, determination and a positive frame of mind, as long as that is possible, are big factors.
Information I have been given tells me our spirit exists in two places at the same time. Our nervous system does not exist in two places at the same time but every nerve channel in our body has two ends which communicate using the nerve tissue that connects the two ends. If you experience pain, and medical doctors can find no physiological reason for your pain, the fact a nerve channel has two ends becomes extremely important. We all have the choice on whether we treat the symptoms or solve the problem. Solving the problem is not always easy and, depending on the degree of the pain, treating it may be simpler. That is for each person to decide.
If there is a problem that is affecting your emotional or mental state which results in anxiety and/or stress, your brain stem may create a pain somewhere in your body in order to take your focus off of your anxiety and stress. Stress and anxiety may not be in our power to control like having a job you hate but have no quick way out. Telegraphed pain is common. The best tool we have is meditation but relief will not happen quickly.
There are many kinds of healing for these instances. Find one that works for you. Keep in mind, if you are paying someone to alleviate your pain, their goal may not be to permanently rid you of your pain. Put yourself in their shoes. Here they have a person whose life they are improving bye ridding them of pain for a period of time. You are not in a life threatening situation. The odds are the two of you develop a friendly relationship. The attention can become more important than the pain.
Most of us are willing to spend a lot of money on entertainment if we have the funds to do so. If the pain is debilitating you, you need help not entertainment.
The ambiguity in medicine arises when we look at diseases of the body and malaise. Here is where lifestyle choices become major factors along with our genetic structure which we can do nothing about other than educate ourselves. Every person on this planet should have a clear idea regarding everything they are genetically predisposed to. That is why DNA mapping at a young age is so important. Parents can train their children to develop habits that are healthy for them.
There is no right way or wrong way, there is only your way when it comes to diet and lifestyle. There are people who do better on a high protein high fat diet. For every food that is healthy for one person, there is a person who is allergic to it. Our DNA is what should be establishing our lifestyle until we can develop treatments that level the playing field. Nature has made us all unique in many ways. That includes what foods we can eat and what kind of exercise best suits our structure.
For the foreseeable future there is going to be a constant conflict between profit and public health. Every person born on this planet should have equal access to health care. The profit gained from providing it is subtle at best and there may be no profit. No one can make a case for denying health care to anyone unless a person is deliberately destroying their own health and we may be dealing with a mental health issue in those cases.
In the name of profit most of us will be subjected to toxins in our lifetimes. Those who do not care about your health will say or do anything to cover up their lack of compassion. They will use your religion, your nationality, your ethnicity and even your gender as a smoke screen to justify their lack of concern. In the movie "Erin Brokovich" she places glasses of water from a contaminated water source on the table in front of the corporate executives and lawyers representing the firm responsible for the contamination. As they start to drink the water she informs them it is from the affected water source. They all put their glasses down. That is how you handle these people.
All you can do is know what your genetic disposition is as those with genetic sensitivities are the first to develop serious illnesses from the toxins we will all inevitably be exposed to at sometime in our lives. When you suspect abuse. look into it. Do not be deluded by their smoke screens. Offer them a glass of water. You can take care and certainly reduce your chances of exposure but the only sure way is to grow or raise everything you eat including all the food you feed any livestock you have. That simply is impossible for those who live in urban areas and weather cycles can make it impossible to grow your own food all the time. Modern technology works as long as we keep people honest.
That brings up the issue of organic food. First of all all food is organic and the bottom line is, if you buy your food commercially you have no idea whether hormones or pesticides were used anytime in its cycle. It takes lab tests to make that decision. Just because you pay more does not make food any safer. Once again here is a case where we really need to know what our genetic makeup is. Many people can tolerate pesticides and hormones but many cannot.
There are some foods that have a natural resistance to insects and cannot be genetically altered easily and they do not respond well to hormone growth. If you are fearful of what your food may do to you, do your homework and identify the foods that are least susceptible. You may end up on a very limited diet but that is your choice. Keep in mind that the life expectancy for us all continues to rise despite all the crap we encounter, There are not many things out there that will significantly shorten your life. There are many things out there that can impact the quality of your life.
Then there is cancer and heart disease and everything plays a role in the development of these conditions. Once again know your DNA. The risks are yours to take. Taking them knowingly is a good thing. Poisoning ones body out of ignorance is another. .
There is one final topic to present and it is a big one, mental health. I do not think many people realize how big an issue this has become in today's world. We no longer institutionalize people with serious mental illnesses because most nations would go bankrupt trying so we live with the consequences of large numbers of highly disturbed individuals running around in society. Most gravitate to the larger cities where they can find some support. Very few families are willing to take them in because they can be frightening and costly.
Coupled with the above is the real fear that when society does institutionalize these people the results have been draconian. In a controlled situation, the conditions can be and have been deplorable as these people are simply to easy to take advantage of. I do not have an answer for this problem but to continue to ignore it is not going to solve it. These people are incapable of getting in touch with their spirit. They may not have been so for their entire lives and there may be a path to their minds still if we would just stop ignoring them and start really looking for solutions. All of us are only one serious brain trauma away from joining their ranks.
Those that represent the seriously mentally ill are the tip of the iceberg. The fallout from merely existing is staggering. Poverty, broken homes, war. drug abuse and alcoholism, poor life choices, mental cruelty and physical abuse account for most of the mental illness in this world, Making meditation a part of any educational system would reduce the numbers afflicted substantially. Meditation is not religiously oriented but it is spiritually oriented.
Some will say why not prayer but when you pray you do the talking. When you meditate you do the listening and those who are suffering the onset of mental illness really need to be listening as what they have to say may not make much sense. With prayer there are issues with the separation of church and state. Meditation is not religious though many erroneously label it as religious. It could and should be taught in schools.
One of the biggest steps we could make regarding mental illness is proving beyond any reasonable doubt that reincarnation is a fact. Most of the people in this world believe it is based on faith. The more powerful nations are represented by religions that deny reincarnation. They do control the purse strings when it comes to studying reincarnation so serious studies never happen. Proving reincarnation exists would mean we have to study the spirit as well as the mind and the body. Our mind and our spirit are not the same thing at all. They are tightly intertwined when we are conjoined with our physical body.
Our spirit is exposed to diseases and conditions of the mind and body as long as it is conjoined with the mind and body. That is why the body side of our spirit resides in the brain stem where it is free of conditions like Alzheimer's disease. Multiple personality disorder is more than likely a problem in the connection between the mind and the spirit. Coma is a problem in the connection between the spirit and the mind and the body which, fortunately for those who have to undergo surgery, can be drug induced.
If we start including our spirit in the study of mental health, a lot of the mystery simply goes away and I believe the path to fixing many of these problems becomes a lot clearer. Past life recall really could be playing a major role in gender related issues, savant autism and childhood geniuses. A fear no one understands could be a left over from a past life.
One can read of accounts by those who have experienced heaven or the afterlife and there are two common threads. The first thread is the experience of light, which some believe is a manifestation of the dying brain, and that is certainly possible. The second thread is not so easily explained and that is a sense of peace beyond description. One would think, if there was any conscious thought left, it would be fear the person was experiencing not peace. I have not read of a single account where a person has expressed fear.
I believe I know why. Our spirit is freeing itself from all the trauma it has experienced in the time it has been conjoined with the physical mind and body. The burdens are gone and the spirit is pure as it always has been pure. That is why it is so important we identify the spirit as an essential component of the body and mind. If the spirit remains free of all the trauma we experience in life, getting in touch with our spirit comes with a great healing ability, The only tool we have to date, for getting in touch with our spirit, is meditation.
I do not know if I will ever inspire anyone into conducting serious research in the field of medical science but anyone reading this should feel something stir inside their mind as they ponder what I have just said. If you feel that stir, it is your spirit and it wants to talk to you. Please listen!
There are many places where I mention the reason for evolution to evolve complex life forms is to create a species that is capable of controlling the environment along with adapting to it. There is another reason which I am told is just as important as being able to control the environment. Species evolve in order to attain individuality. Individuality is the prime factor in a species evolving a spirit that transcends physical life. If there is no individuality there is no need for reincarnation or spiritual development.
It is rather ironic that individuality spawns two other factors that also start with the letter I, intuition and inspiration. The three "I's" are the anchor points of consciousness. There is no I in ego though ego can be fueled by individuality, intuition and inspiration. A large ego is not a bad thing. A large ego with no connection to it's spirit can be a horrible thing especially if that ego has no moral compass.
The information I have been given challenges the concept of social evolution as being a prime factor in the development of intelligence. Social development is true to a point but the paradigm changes drastically once a species has evolved a spirit and the three "I's" form the anchor points of consciousness. What we see instead is the slow deterioration of social order as consciousness develops. Modern times are complete testimony to this process.
There are literally thousands of examples in nature of species that have evolved social abilities but there is only one species that has evolved individuality in the process, mankind. Those of you who have animals for pets will strongly disagree with my statement and, on the surface, it does seem domesticated pets do have individual personalities but do they have individuality? I believe I can prove experimentally they do not.
There actually has been quite a bit of research in this area. Odd that we research animal behavior and do not spend more time researching human spirit but that is not the focus of this discussion. We can take species of animal that all look alike and react alike to the environment and we can see behavior patterns that separate them. Fish schooled up may all turn as one but once they break up to seek food some will be more aggressive than others and we can state they show individual behavior.
Once you dig further patterns start to emerge. The fish that are stronger are more aggressive. They can swim faster and turn quicker. The eyes of some react to light differently than the eyes of others. In others what we perceive as different behavior is not individuality, it is adaptation and genetics at work. In domesticated animals they adapt the behavior of their owners as well as being influenced by the way they are treated. They certainly do develop different behavior but they are not truly individuals. How many dogs figure out where the canned food is kept if you don't train them to figure it out?
There is one area we do need to research. If the goal of evolution is to evolve a creature that has individuality one would think there would be clues we could pick up on and there are. One of them we have known about for years, individual fingerprints. All the great apes have them. Other species have fingerprints but the patterns are basically the same. What that tells me is a species had to evolve the physical ability to be individuals before they could evolve the ability to have spiritual individuality. We and the apes did.
Our genome underwent a significant transformation and theirs didn't. We continued to evolve and they continued to adapt and there is a difference. If anyone ever sees any group of simians sitting around a fire in the wild with a far away look in their eyes I will eat my words but, until that happens, I will stick to my hypothesis that homo sapiens is the only species on this planet that has consciousness in the form of spirit.
If you haven't noticed there is not a 4th "I" present. The missing one is intelligence and it was no oversight. Intelligence is solely a product of the physical brain. It is acquired genetically and one can improve it through education. Our spirits certainly interact with it. It works in conjunction with consciousness but it is not an integral part of our conscious being. I realize this comes as a shock to most of you reading this but I can prove it via experimentation.
All the intuition and inspiration in the world will not compensate for a lack of intelligence but they will work with intelligence's opposite state ignorance. What is lost in the ignorant mind is basically practicality. Ignorant people do not learn readily from cause and effect and their lives are typically in turmoil as a result. They will still be inspired and they will be intuitive. They may not have the skills to do much with their abilities. Unless there is disease or trauma present ignorance is readily curable especially when one starts to question their preconceptions. We are starting to see more and more people doing just that as a result of the changing genetic structure in the human genome.
I have identified the three corners of the conscious mind. There is a catalyst that comes included. We call it talent. The skills we have acquired through our lives are part of the conscious mind we take with us from life to life. The physical limitations of any unique body will definitely impact how our talents manifest themselves. As our spirits interface with a new physical body and the frontal lobe grows in the developing child, the talents we bring do influence the development of nerves , muscles, bones and tendons. If you had above average hand to eye coordination in a previous life, odds are you will have it in your current life unless the physical body has been compromised by disease or a birth defect. If you did not bring the talent, this could be the life in which you acquire the talent. If your father is a baseball player and your mother played basketball, it is almost a surety.
If my hypothesis is correct there is no debate regarding inspiration and intuition being two of the basic elements in consciousness. The third element, individuality, contains sub components which, for some reason, were not included in the information I have been given. I can only identify two though there may be others, ability and knowledge.
We can compare the a spirit particle to any other particle in the universe. Individuality is comprised of ability and knowledge which comprise the nucleus. Talent is a binding force. Intuition and inspiration orbit the nucleus. I will not be surprised, once we identify the spirit particle, if it matches all the other elements we find in our universe.
When I wrote the above I kept getting the distinct feeling there was something missing. A day or so after writing the above I happened to watch a prime time special on TV reporting on one of the largest families in the United States, 19 children and counting all born by one woman. In every case I know of family units of this size today are always a product of religious beliefs.
There was a time in history when large families were needed as one had to basically raise their own work force to accomplish all the work needed when any group is the sole source of all food, shelter, clothing and water needed to maintain the family. Infant mortality was high. Industrialization changed that and, for better or worse, it is not what we have today. Rather than condemn the people, the program featured the joy, work ethic and sharing this family had attained. On the surface it appears to be a lifestyle worth aspiring for but one needs to look beyond the surface.
There is a reason why the above violates the laws of the universe and contradicts mankind's purpose in this universe. That reason is the missing component I talked about above and I am going to make you the reader, wait as I had to wait before I identify it. As I watched this program the spirit of everyone in this family was totally obvious. I go on and on about how important it is for us all to get in touch with our spirit and here I was witnessing a large family full of love and good cheer that are all obviously in touch with their spirit but something just wasn't right. I had to watch the entire hour before I started to recognize what was missing.
Toward the end the family traveled to a retreat for home schooling which is common among families of this size. Watching all the people there interact it became obvious what a large part of the problem was. As happy as they were these people were all clones. Aside from physical differences, you can't tell one from the other. They deny or do not allow their individuality. It is an individuality that has been under development since our species overcame it's fear of fire. It is what evolution is all about. No wonder these people struggle with the concept of evolution. Accepting it puts their entire paradigm in question.
They end up with a spirit with suppressed individuality. Thankfully the suppression exists solely in the intelligence of the physical mind. Our spirit cannot be corrupted. Recognizing the above uncovered the element I was overlooking, initiative. Not just any initiative, the initiative to pursue new ideas. In their world there is no need of new ideas. All the need to know has been preordained or is solved via prayer. New ideas are actually seen as evil and they go to extremes to prevent their children from being exposed to them. What is even more fascinating is initiative is solely a product of the ego. If our ego is not strong all the intuition, inspiration, ability, talent and knowledge we gain from our spirit lies fallow. Balance is vital.
Earlier I compared the structure of our spirit particle to the structure of any particle in our universe but I now believe there is a distinct difference. In traditional atomic structure, electrons are held in orbit around the nucleus and adding energy can cause elements of the particle to change or leave. In the spirit particle, the components outside of the nucleus that is individuality, are pushed away as individuality gains energy.
The further away they are, the easier they integrate with the physical mind. if we suppress the individuality of our spirit, the two elements intuition and inspiration move closer and even merge with the nucleus. This happens in order. Intuition is the closest and the first to go. The last to merge is inspiration. Lose both and individuality no longer exists as it relates to any physical mind the spirit particle is conjoined with.. Communication with our spirit is shut down. All that now exists is a particle of life energy which all forms of life possess which I call the spirit node. It is eternal but it has no individuality. It is my hypothesis it does not reincarnate unless there is individuality present.
In the cases of advanced life forms like ourselves the nucleus and its elements can no longer combine completely and the spirit, once separated from the physical mind, returns to its highest state of energy. All efforts to suppress individuality are doomed to failure as long as our life form remains mortal. I believe our life form will remain mortal until we give up all efforts to suppress individuality. Once we reach that state, evolution will take over and we will evolve into an immortal life form as long as we not subjected to chaos beyond our control.
When the spirit combines with a new physical body our spirit particle commences an intense programming of the DNA material it has conjoined with. We see the phenomena in the rapid brain development of a new born child. In the first few years, a child is totally involved with it's spirit, and some carry that involvement into the years when they are learning their communication skills. In children who are raised in hostile environments and suffer nutritional stress, the process is severely impacted.
When the child's spirit is the primary influence in the developing mind and body, children do experience past life recall. This happens more than we realize and much of it is passed off as the active imagination all children have, In other cases it is deliberately suppressed by the child's parents and the social order the child is raised in. The children that retain recall into the communicative years will rebel frequently, especially when the information contradicts knowledge they already possess.
As the body develops, it becomes the primary influence in the child's life and a teenager is set loose upon the land. I covered this phenomena earlier.
I have researched this and I see many sources that discuss consciousness but no where have I read a definition. Well now you have one. You can use yours to decide whether you want to believe what I have said. In review, one side of our conscious mind is composed of individuality, intuition, inspiration and talent which give us ability and access to universal knowledge. Our conscious mind is our spirit and is eternal. The other side of our conscious mind is our ego which makes up our intelligence and our initiative.
There are only two major components left, love and compassion and here the process becomes quite complex because it takes the physical mind working in conjunction with our spirit for both to exist. Tears, laughter, joy, pathos and all our emotions we feel with our physical minds and bodies. The seeds that drive them all are carried in our spirits and stay with our spirit as it follows its eternal journey.
In another section of this blog I presented the quantified string theory that represents our spirits. This is very good news for those who follow or practice metaphysical beliefs. If my hypothesis is correct, our spirit particle can easily be affected by any energy source in the same space time continuum but there is a problem with the interface.
One end of our spirit particle must interface to our physical mind. The consciousness our spirit brings is pure and eternal but the physical mind is not. It is easily preoccupied with the senses and all they entail. It is why we have to meditate to connect to our spirits as adults but that connection is only as good as the physical mind attempting to make it. The good news here is the spirit can use the senses to create feelings of compassion and love but that cannot happen unless the physical mind is willing.
The problem here is our intelligence resides in our physical minds and having more than others, be it freedom, money or rights among many, appeals to our intelligent minds. This is why those that have encountered total deprivation and suffering attain spiritual purity and stand as beacons to us all. One has to be very cautious when seeking understanding using what is a faulty connection and likely to remain that way for the foreseeable future.
If you feel your spiritual knowledge or power is worth a lot of money, you are listening to your physical mind and not your spirit. Sometimes money is crucial to the work you must do but be alert as every physical body we will have is a brand new project and the DNA and environment will have major impacts on how you connect to your spirit. The day may come when the process is easier accomplished then it is today but all one needs to do is look at the current state of mankind to know we are a long way from that day being here.
When it comes to money, the problem is easy to see but it becomes far more subtle when it involves our ego. Ego is solely a function of the intelligent physical mind. That is easy to say and extremely difficult to know. When you feel you know something most do not understand or you can do something that most cannot do you are perilously close to slipping over the edge into total egomania. I include myself in this warning.
I think we all know this but our intelligent mind is not easily denied so we cannot resist the urge to create a special connection only we have and anytime that special connection takes on an identity of its own no matter what religious belief, philosophy. theology or metaphysical teaching we follow, you need to raise a red flag and ask yourself why. Is it your own physical mind that is providing the information or identity and not your spirit? the same goes for anything you read or hear. What do you have to gain?
There is a way to know to some degree. I call it species identity. Is what you suddenly know universal and do you want to share that information with no personal gain first? If you can say yes, you are not out of the woods but you are on the right path. It is like one famous author who covers the metaphysical told me, "I gotta eat too!". We all do know the difference between eating and having shelter as compared to opulence. If it's opulent at least be honest and say it is not part of your spiritual essence. Beyond that, do no harm and it is what the market will bear.
All of the above makes up what and who we are, our spirit and our physical mind. Consciousness, though integrated with the physical mind, is unique to our spirit. Without our spirit we would be a very intelligent animal but still an animal whose sole occupation would be our senses and our self. All thought would be focused on self. Without our spirit there exists the possibility of no sense of morality, no love and no compassion. There is only self gratification. We would not build cities, create music or art and develop technology. We would still be running from fire.
I am constantly on the lookout for any information that lends creditability to my observations and intuition. A perfect example is the following article I read only recently:
Because the author was trying to stay within the range of accepted knowledge on psychology, he did not bring up the subject of spirit. I have no such qualms. My hypothesize is our spirit particle(s) is conjoined with our physical mind and I think severing the corpus callosum, which allows the two hemispheres of our physical brain to communicate with one another, proves many things.
There is a flow of energy in the brain and it is studied by many. Like any energy flow it is directional and it may be bidirectional. Some studies suggest that and some suggest that what we call a left or right brained person is determined by the energy flow in the brain. Studies are ongoing. It is a complex field that uses chemistry and external stimulation to aid as tools in deciphering how our brains function at energy or quantum level. What severing the corpus callosum does is help prove energy flow does exist. I believe it also proves that individuality resides with our spirit and the affect severing the corpus callosum has lends credibility to my hypothesis.
In the experiments Michael Gazzaniga did he proved that the two hemispheres of the brain could utilize our abilities to cognitively relate any information that was unique to either hemisphere. Our abilities could not relate stimuli present on one hemisphere with stimuli on the other hemisphere when the path was broken and any attempt to do so resulted in pure gibberish by the person attempting to do so. Gibberish made even worse by the fact that the individual saw nothing wrong with what they were saying. It is a complete disconnect.
Our individuality has to exist somewhere. Obviously it does not reside in either hemisphere of our physical brain or one side would have reasoning ability and the other wouldn't. With the pathway severed, both sides had reasoning ability but only for stimuli on each side. Stimuli on one side could not be connected to the other. My hypothesis is the ability to reason is primarily a function of our individuality and that individuality resides with our spirit which exists elsewhere in our physical brain. I believe it lies somewhere on our brain stem.
There has to be energy flow in either direction or both for individual ability to work with all current stimuli. The spirit of those who have suffered this debilitating condition still gets information from the two sides but there is no energy flow so random thoughts correlating the two sides are all that can result. In an electrical circuit there is always the potential for energy to flow as long as there is a power source. Sever the path and there is no energy flow. The power source is still present but the device no longer works properly. Our physical minds are no different. Our spirit, the energy source, is still there but there is no energy flow though the potential is still there.
I believe we could conduct experiments to lend further creditability to my hypothesis based on the observations in the above article. Until science can at least coincide there is the possibility a spirit exists for every human being capable of having one, the experiments will never be done.
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