I decided quite awhile back I needed to add a section dedicated to chaos and filters as they make up the bulk of the roadblocks I am encountering as I try and get my message out. For some reason I kept putting it off and now I know why. It was important I seek the counsel of those who have made similar journeys before me and it became obvious I had a great deal to learn.
It seemed so simple to me, get rid of chaos and all will be as it should be. I still believe that and I still will teach that to anyone who wants to listen. The difference is no one has to listen. Many hear the message in different ways and yes they are filtering and yes it would be less chaotic if we all heard it the same way but the message is as constant as the universe is and the message will prevail even if the human species is not around to hear it. I believe our life energy will be there until the journey reaches it final state though I do not understand what that final state is. So why don't I just go fishing and let nature take it's course?
Good question and the answer lies totally in ego, but it is not my ego solely, it is also the ego of our species. This journey is going to happen. We are along for the ride but I want myself and the human species to be an active component until we get there. We can hitchhike along in energy form because there is no awareness of time in energy form unless we interface with an advanced life form and use their senses.
If we are foolish enough to destroy this planet to the point life is unsustainable or we allow an asteroid or or other celestial event to destroy it, our life energies will wander aimlessly in the cosmos until the journey is complete and it will be over in an instant as we will have no sense of time. The message tells me everyone gets to go to heaven or whatever word you choose because we will have lived so many lifetimes and already have there is simply no way anyone gets judged solely on the bad ones.
In my mind not taking an active part in the journey is like a cop out and I see it as the lazy thing to do. We don't have to. There will be no bigger reward for us if we do but the universe went to a great deal of effort to give everyone one of us life. If it feels better call the universe God. It makes no difference. Honor the gift. Contribute don't hitchhike. Hell do it for yourself just to be a conscious part of it. That is what I have decided to do. Everyone is welcome to join me.
There are only two rules if you decide to embark on this journey with me. Rule one: Always take the least chaotic path. Rule two: It the path is not clear seek the advice of others. That's it! Play by the rules and come along for the ride.
Now here is one part I don't know and the message tells me nothing. I don't argue with the message. When I rebel at what it tells me it turns the energy level up. No pain, no sense of doom but I get the message. I am reluctant to ask anything of the energy I have been blessed with. It just doesn't feel right to do that. I did ask for a little help and a moment happened that shocked me and two others and I am tempted to ask my energy to send clouds scurrying across the sky with my blog address flashing on them but I lost my energy as a child by doing naughty things so I know better. If that was in the plan I am not a necessary component. I have no idea why I am now. Pure coincidence and medical mistake? Could be I guess.
Here is another part I don't know. No message help here. It may be we are given a choice when we pass from our current physical bodies on whether we want to continue the journey in another physical body or go straight to the end of the game and collect the prize. One of the ways the universe brings order to chaos is to turn matter and energy into life. Life by definition is not chaotic. The more intelligent life becomes the more prone it is to engage in chaotic behavior but it also gains more ability to bring order to chaos. If we want to stay and play longer we do deny the creation of a new life energy which I do not see as a moral dilemma but some might. How many life energies does it take to fill a universe? It seems like a silly question but some may not think so. Just maybe this is the free will we all talk about in a universe that appears to be predestined to a degree.
Ah the holes in the armor we call ego. For a long time no one debated me on the virtues of bringing order to chaos. The rebuttal was to beat me to death with whatever their beliefs were and I felt I really had the world in my hands until I was told that bringing order to chaos was chaos. Ooops I had to do a little two step shuffle for a bit but I do understand Orwellian order and it sure as hell does not bring order to chaos anymore than Hitlers solution for the Jewish problem did. Structured chaos is the worst kind of chaos which from this point forward I will call mayhem so there is no confusion. Chaos is what sucks your house up a funnel cloud. Mayhem is some jack booted thug hauling you off to the gulag because you wear your underwear on the outside of your pants. The latter is more preventable then the former.
I have gained Indigo friends on this journey. They are much more than friends, they are my brothers and sisters and they all understand why I call them relatives. We have our differences and to the man and woman we have had to deal with the slings and arrows of the journey we find ourselves on. They have taught me a lot. No doubt they will teach me a lot more. It will be more by example not preaching to me and I vow to do the same with them but, before I honor that vow, I am going to offer some unsolicited advice. It applies to everyone.
Meditation is an awesome tool. I suffered for two years with a condition called Trigeminal Neuralgia which is one of the most painful ordeals a person can endure. Without meditation I don't know if I could have survived it. Acupuncture also helped me. Drug therapies made me paranoid, mindless and sick. A surgical procedure ended the ordeal and sent me on this journey. Meditation was the tool that worked the best. It was the only way I could get to sleep other than serious drug doses. There is a downside to meditation unfortunately. It can become a form of withdrawal and one needs to consider whether one wants to play an active role in freeing the world of chaos and mayhem. If one doesn't want to play a role then meditate away. It is a lot cheaper than drugs and it is a lot better for you. Two weeks ago I would have said we all have to play an active role and felt totally righteous saying it. I now know how wrong that is. Never stop learning. Meditation is a great way to learn. So is hanging out with the right people.
More on chaos and filters is coming.